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(Picture of "Prince" Charles, wearing a Jewish yarmulka 04/29/08)
What follows (below) is Pope St. Pius V's papal bulla Regnans in Excelsis deposing the pretend queen Elizabeth I and laying England under interdict. Pius V declares "the servant of wickedness" Elizabeth, to be a heretic and releases all her subjects from any allegiance to her.
The timeless papal condemnation against the monstrous usurping Elizabethan government [100% PHONY "current British monarchy"] is posted in both English and Latin.
"The extreme corruption and wickedness of the English nation has provoked the just anger of God. When malice has reached the fullness of its measure, God will, in His wrath, send to the English people (1.) evil spirits who will punish and afflict them with severity by (2.) separating the green tree from its parent stem [Rome] ... ." Prophecy of King St. Edward of England (11th c.)
(1.) It is a historical fact that the Heresiarch Henry VIII (like Luther) used the occult Kabbalah in the formulation of his pervert sect.
(2.) The Anglican schism predicted centuries before its actual occurrence.
March 5, 1570
Wherein also all her subjects are declared absolved from
the Oath of Alleagance,
and every other thing due unto her whatsoever; And those which from
henceforth obey her, are innodated with the
He that reigneth on high, to whom is given all power in heaven and on earth, commited one, holy, Catholike and Apostolike Church, out of which there is no salvation, to one alone upon earth, namely to Peter the chiefe of the Apostles, and to Peters Successour the Bishop of Rome, to be governed in fulnesse of power. Him alone he made Prince over all people, and all Kingdomes, to pluck up, destroy, scatter, consume, plant and build, that he may containe the faithfull that are knit together with the band of charity, in the unity of the spirit, and present them spotlesse and unblameable to their Saviour. In discharge of which function, We which are by Gods goodnesse called to the gouvernement of the aforesayd Church, do spare no paines, labouring with all the earnestnesse that Unity and the Catholike Religion (which the Author thereof hath for the tryall of his childrens faith, and for our amendment, suffered to be punished with so great afflictions) might be preserved uncorrupt. But the number of the ungodly hath gotten such power that there is now no place left in the whole world which they have not assayed to corrupt with their most wicked Doctrines; amongst others, Elizabeth the pretensed Queene of England, the servant of wickednesse, lending thereunto her helping hand, with whom as in a Sanctuary the most pernicious of all have found a refuge.
This very woman having seazed on the Kingdome, and monstrously usurping the place of supreme head of the Church in all England, and the chiefe authority and jurisdiction thereof, hath againe brought backe the sayd Kingdome into miserable destruction, which was then newly reduced to the Catholike Faith and good fruits. For having by strong hand inhibited the exercise of the true Religion, which Mary the lawfull Queene of famous memory, had by the helpe of this See restored after it had bene formerly overthrowne by Henry the eighth, a revolter therefrom; and following and embracing the errors of Heretikes, she hath removed the royall Councell consisting of the English Nobility, and filled it with obscure men being Heretikes, suppressed the embraces of the Catholike Faith, placed dishonest Preachers, and Ministers of impieties, abolished the sacrifice of the Masse, Prayers, Fastings, choyce of meates, unmaried life, and the Catholike rites and Ceremonies, commanded Bookes to be read in the whole Realme containing manifest Heresie; and impious mysteries and institutions by her selfe entertained and observed according to the Praescript of Calvin, to be likewise observed by her Subjects; presumed to throw Bishops, Parsons of Churches, and other Catholike Priests, out of their Churches and beneficies, and bestow them and other Church-livings upon Heretikes, and to determine of Church causes, prohibited the Prelats, Clergie and people to acknowledge the Church of Rome, or obey the preceps and Canonicall sanctions thereof; compelled most of them to condescend to her wicked Lawes, and to abjure the authority and obedience of the Bishop Rome, and to acknowledge her to be sole Lady in Temporall and Spirituall matters, and this by Oath; imposed penalties and punishments upon those which obeyed not, and exacted them of those which perservered in the Unity of the Faith and their obedience aforesayd, cast the Catholike Prelats and Rectors of Churches in prison, where many therein beeing spent with long languishing and sorrow, miserably ended their lives. All which things, seeing they are manifest and notorious to all Nations, and by the gravest testimonie of very many so substantially proved that there is no place at all left for excuse, defence or evasion.
We seeing that impieties and wicked actions are multiplied one upon another, and moreover that the persecution of the faithfull, and affliction for Religion, groweth every day heavier and heavier through the instigation and meanes of the sayd Elizabeth; because We understand her minde to be so hardened and indurate that she hath not onely contemned the godly requests and admonitions of Catholike Princes concerning her healing and conversion, but also hath not so much as permitted the Nuncios of this Sea to crosse the seas into England, are constrained of necessity to betake our selves to the weapons of Justice against her, not being able to mitigate our sorrow that we are drawne to take punishment upon one, to whose Ancestors the whole State of all Christendome hath beene so much bounden. Being therefore supported with His authority, whose pleasure it was to place Us (though unable for so great a burthen) in this supreme throne of Justice, We doe out of the fulnesse of our Apostolike power declare the aforesayd Elizabeth being an Heretike, and a favourer of Heritikes, and her adherents in the matters aforesayd, to have incurred the sentence of Anathema, and to be cut off from the Unity of the body of Christ.
And moreover We do declare Her to be deprived of her pretended Title to the Kingdome aforesayd, and of all Dominion, Dignity, and Priviledge what soever; and also the Nobility, Subjects, and People of the sayd Kingdome, and all others which have in any sort sworne unto Her, to be for ever absolved from any such Oath, and all manner of duty of dominion, alleageance, and obedience. As We also doe by authority of these presents absolve them, and do deprive the same Elizabeth of her pretended title to the Kingdome, and all other things abovesayd. And We do command and interdict all and every the Noblemen, Subjects, People, and others aforesayd that they presume not to obey her, or her monitions, Mandates, and Lawes; and those which shall doe the contrary, We do innodate with the like sentence of Anathema. And because it were a matter of too much difficulty, to conveigh these presents to all places wheresoever it shall be needfull, our will is that the copies thereof under a publike Notaries hand, and sealed with the seale of an Ecclesiasticall Prelate, or of his Court, shall carry altogether the same credit, with all people, iudictally and extrajudically, as these Present should doe, if they were exhibited or shewed.
Given at Rome at Saint Peters in the yeare of the incarnation of our Lord one thousand five hundreth sixty nine, the fifth of the Kalends of March, and of our Popedom the fifty yeare.
Qua etiam declarantur absoluti omnis subditi
a iuramento fidelitatis,
et quocunque alio debito.
Anathemate illaqueantur.
Regnans in excelsis, cui data est omnis in coelo et in terra potestas, unum sanctam Catholicam et apostolicam ecclesiam, extra quam nulla est salus, uni soli in terris, videlicet apostolorum principi Petro, Petrique successori Romano pontifici, in potestatis plenitudine tradidit gubernandam. Hunc unum super omnes gentes, et omnia regna principem constituit, qui evellat, destruat, dissipet, disperdat, plantet, et aedificet, ut fidelem populum mutuae charitatis nexu constrictum in unitate spiritus contineat, salvumque et incolumem suo exhibeat salvatori. Quo quidem in munere obeundo, nos ad praedictae ecclesiae gubernacula Dei benignitate vocati, nullum laborem intermittimus, omni opera contendentes, ut ipsa unitas, et Catholica religio (quam illius author ad probandum suorum fidem, et correctionem nostram, tantis procellis conflictari permisit) integra conservetur. Sed impiorum numerus tantum potentia invaluit, ut nullus iam in orbe locus sit relictus, quem illi pessimis doctrinis corrumpere non tentarint; adnitente inter caeteros, flagitiorum serva Elizabetha praetensa Angliae regina, ad quam veluti ad asylum omnium infestissimi profugium invenerunt. Haec eadem, regno occupato, supremi ecclesiae capitis locum in omni Anglia, eiusque praecipuam authoritatem atque iurisdictionem monstrose sibi usurpans, regnum ipsum iam tum ad fidem Catholicam, et bonam frugem reductum, rursus in miserum exitium revocavit. Usu namque verae religionis, quam ab illius desertore Henrico VIII olim eversam, clarae memoriae Maria regina legitima huius sedis praesidio reparaverat, potenti manu inhibito, secutisque et amplexis haereticorum erroribus, regium consilium ex Anglica nobilitate confectum diremit; illudque obscuris hominibus haereticis complevit, Catholicae fidei cultores oppressit, improbos concionatores atque impietatum administros reposuit. Missae sacrificium, preces, ieiunia, ciborum delectum, coelibatum, ritusque Catholicos abolevit.
Libros manifestam haeresim continentes toto regno proponi, impia mysteria, et instituta ad Calvini praescriptum a se suscepta et observata, etiam a subditis servari mandavit. Episcopos ecclesiarum, rectores, et alios sacerdotes Catholicos suis ecclesiis et beneficiis eiicere, ac de illis, et aliis rebus ecclesiasticis in haereticos disponere, de ecclesiae causis decerenere ausa. Praelatis, clero, et populo, ne Romanam ecclesiam agnoscerent, neve eius praeceptis sanctionibusque canonicis obtemperarent, interdixit; plerosque in nefarias leges suas venire, et Romani pontificis auctoritatem atque obedientiam abiurare, seque solum in temporalibus et spiritualibus dominam agnoscere, iureiurando coegit; poenas et supplicia in eos qui dicto non essent audientes imposuit, easdemque ab iis, qui in unitate fidei et praedicta obedientia perservarunt, exegit; Catholicos antistes et ecclesiarum rectores in vincula coniecit, ubi multi diuturno languore et tristitia confecti, extremum vitae diem misere finierunt.
Quae omnia cum apud omnes nationes perspicua et notiora sint, et gravissimo quamplurimorum testimonio ita comprobata, ut nullus omnino locus excusationis, defensionis, aut tergiversationis relinquatur, nos multiplicantibus aliis atque aliis super alias impietatibus et facinoribus, et praeterea fidelium persecutione, religionisque afflictione, impulsu et opera dictae Elizabethae quotidie magis ingraviscente; quoniam illius animum ita obfirmatum atque induratum intelligimus, ut non modo pias Catholicorum principum de sanitate et conversione preces monitionesque contempserit, sed ne huius quidem sedis ad ipsam hac de causas nuncios in Angliam traiicere permiserit, ad arma iustitiae contra eam de necessitate conversi, dolorem lenire non possumus, quod adducamur in unam animadvertere, cuius maiores de republica Christiana tantopere meruere. Illius itaque authoritate suffulti, qui nos in hoc supremo iustitiae throno, licet tanto oneri impares, voluit collocare, de apostolicae potestatis plenitudine declaramus praedictam Elizabetham haereticam, et haereticorum fautricem, eique adhaerentes in praedictis, anathematis sententiam incurrisse, esseque a Christi corporis unitate praecisos.
Quin etiam ipsam praetenso regni praedicti iure, necnon omni et quocunque dominio, dignitate, privilegioque privatam; et item proceres, subditos, et populos dicti regni, ac caeteros omnes, qui illi quomodocunque iuraverunt, a iuramento huiusmodi, ac omni prorsus dominii, fidelitatis, et obsequii debito, perpetuo absolutos, prout nos illos praesentium auctoritate absolvimus; et privamus eandem Elizabetham praetenso iure regni, aliisque omnibus supradictis. Praecipimusque et interdicimus universis et singulis proceribus, subditis, populis, et aliis praedictis, ne illi eiusve monitis, mandatis et legibus audeant obedire. Qui secus egerint, eos simili anathematis sententia innodamus. Quia vero difficile nimis esset, praesentes quocunque illis opus erit perferre, volumus ut earum exempla, notarii publici manu, et praelati ecclesiastici, eiusve curiae sigillo obsignata, eandem prorsus fidem in iudicio, et extra illud ubique gentium faciant, quam ipsae praesentes facerent, si essent exhibitae vel ostensae.
Datum Romae apud Sanctum Petrum, anno incarnationis dominae millesimo quingentisimo sexagisimo nono, quinto kalendis Martii, pontificatus nostri anno quinto.
Related Links:
Read the Life Story of Pope St. Pius V (From Butler's Lives of the Saints)
"He (the coming Great Catholic Monarch) will set England aright and drive out heresy... ."
(Prophecy of Mother Shipton, 16th Century)
"For as surely as the Son of God reigns on high, and will reign 'until He has put all His enemies under
His feet,' so surely every one that lifts a heel or directs a weapon against His faith, His Church, or
His Vicar upon earth, will share the judgment which is laid up for the Antichrist whom he serves."
(Cardinal Manning, "The Present Crisis of the Holy See Tested By Prophecy: Four Lectures", p. 92)
Blessed be St. Peter, Prince of the Apostles!
The Papal Restoration Staff
Jul. 22, 2013
EDITOR OF TCW 19.09.2022 09:21
Those who adhere to the PHONY "current British monarchy" are under Anathema, according to St. Pius V's, timeless Regnans Excelsis.
Editor of TCW 08.09.2022 13:24
Great read on the totally PHONY "current British monarchy"... anti-Catholic enemies of the Church.
Editor of TCW 09.09.2022 20:21
Note: This TIMELESS papal condemnation against the monstrous usurping 100% PHONY "current British monarchy"] is posted in both English and Latin.
The TCW Staff 10.04.2021 14:10
Antipope Francis commends "Prince" Philip's 'devotion to marriage and family,' public service.
The TCW Staff 08.03.2021 02:11
Pius V condemned the PHONY "current British monarchy" - click to see more.