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Pope Gregory XVII Implementing Continuance of Papacy Plan, June 15, 1988, Rome
Historic photograph taken on June 15th, 1988 (see time stamp on lower right corner) at the Istituto Ravasco convent in Rome, documenting the third clandestine meeting an individual - and team of True clergy had with the "suffering Pontiff" foretold by Our Lady of Fatima). Pope Gregory XVII formulated/implemented a detailed Continuance of Papacy Plan from 1988 to 1989, which included creating Bishops (with canonical mission [jurisdiction]) & Cardinals.
[NOTE: The following excerpt explaining the absolute importance and necessity of jurisdiction from a (TRUE) POPE,
is from the scholarly work: "Supplied Jurisdiction According To Canon 209, An Historical Synopsis And Commentary",
By Fr. Francis Sigismund Miaskiewicz, J.C.L., Article II. The Supplying of Jurisdiction, pp. 21-22, 1940, Imprimatur]
"To protect the faithful against deception and to assure them of competent and worthy ministers,
the Church
has ever insisted, and still does insist, that those who are to minister unto the faithful in
the name of Christ and of the Church, must
first receive the approval and authorization necessary."
(Fr. Miaskiewicz on the Church's wisdom requiring Her ministers to FIRST have
jurisdiction to act.)
"In virtue of Christ's commission the plenitude of ecclesiastical jurisdictional power lies in the hands of the Church. This power ... implies action and direction, be it legislative, judicial or coercive. It comprises the public power in virtue of which the Church is assigned the task of leading men back to God. With all this power at her command, the Church is left to her resources to marshal that power in whatever way may best serve her in attaining her one purpose on earth: the common salvation of mankind. Thus, speaking in the realm of possibility, one can readily admit that the Church could have granted vaster powers of jurisdiction to each and every priest, or she might have limited the number of acts demanding special power and authorization for their valid performance.
"He who enters not by the door into the sheepfold, but
climbs up another way, is a thief and a robber" (John 10:1.).
But such a lenient manner of action, though it might seem very desirable in a particular emergency, never enjoyed the approval of the Church. Her divine wisdom and her age-old experience has made her an ever more jealous stewardess of her Christ-bequeathed power. Dealing with men, with all their foibles and weaknesses, with their need of strict sanctions to help them along the path of probity and justice, the Church has found it necessary to be very careful in allowing others to share in her power. To protect the faithful against deception and to assure them of competent and worthy ministers, the Church has ever insisted, and still does insist, that those who are to minister unto the faithful in the name of Christ and of the Church, must first receive the approval and authorization necessary for the valid and licit performance of jurisdictional acts. She requires that they prove themselves worthy of the signal honor and capable of performing all the obligations and duties incumbent upon the minister of the Church. In a similar way, to warn the faithful against the insidious poison of some unholy practices, the Church finds it necessary to withdraw certain sins from the power of the ordinary priest to absolve (like the mortal sin of attempting to consecrate a bishop without a papal mandate which can only be absolved by the (TRUE) Pope (IF HE WANTS TO), Gregory XVIII. -TCW). Thus, it is readily seen how all these formalities, conditions and rules are prompted not by any other reason but by the deep concern that the Church has for the good of her faithful. [...]
The matter of jurisdiction, then, is very important. First, the necessity for it supplies the Church with strict sanctions against usurpers and incompetents. The possession of it is important also for the priest who, in acting without it, would not only posit invalid acts, but would run afoul of the rigid sanctions of the Church and of God. Finally, it is especially clear how important the use of it is to the faithful and what a great loss it would be for them to approach a priest adjudged to have faculties to absolve, confess and then upon their confession depart not knowing that they were still unabsolved." (End)
"The person thus elected [pope] acquires full jurisdiction over the universal
Church immediately on consenting, and becomes the Vicar of Christ on earth."
("Canonical Elections" p. 107, 1917, Imp.)
"he who is elected is Pope ... no man can in any way call his election in question"
"When all that we have thus far described has been done [the precise laws of a conclave have been followed], he who is elected is Pope, in all right and justice, and no man can in any way call his election in question or endeavor to invalidate it. He governs the Church from that moment, and no other act is required to give him further authority. ("The Life and Acts of Pope Leo XIII: Preceded by a Sketch of the Last Days of Pius IX and the Origin and Laws of the Conclave, p. 201, 1879 Imp)
Gregory XVII, "The Hostage Pope", was put under the gravest of threats (duress)
from the day of his Divine election, until the day he was killed, 30 years later
There is indisputable evidence that Gregory XVII fought the V2 sect's new religion - as his own priests in Genoa for years testified. He told his priests not to say the new mass. He said the decrees of the Second Vatican Council could "never bind". Logically the True Pope de jure, Gregory XVII, could only make such a statement [declaration] if the V2 Council documents LACKED papal jurisdiction (Church Authority) - which they incontrovertibly did.
Some say "but he recognized the antipopes". Yet, Pope St. Martin I, who recognized Antipope Eugene I, did not cease being pope [forfeit his office] as he, like Gregory XVII, was put under grave duress, by the Church's enemies.
Pope Gregory XVII repudiated the acts of Antipope John Paul II
as "an idolatry of apostolic works." (G. MacEoin, The Inner Elite, p. 234)
There are numerous quotes showing that Pius XII's hand-picked successor, Gregory XVII, despised Roncalli and all of the post-conciliar false claimants and their V-2 cult.
His Excellency, Archbishop Arrigo Pintonello (who was brought in by True clergy to assist the Hostage pope in June 1988), discussing Gregory XVII, in a 1996 interview, said he "was the greatest intellectual genius I've ever met." And in a recorded gasp like Jeremiah, lamented how Christ could permit the Cardinals to do this to him! (i.e., the violent coup at the 1958 Conclave). (Source: Videotaped Interview by Mel Gibson & Staff, of Archbishop Arrigo Pintonello Italy, 1996)
Right reason alone, resolves these absolute contradictions, from this Genoan genius, who so loved Holy Mother Church.
In a near miraculous type moment, out of view from the ever present and threatening masonic handlers, he was able to express the horrific fact that his jailors could, "kill", him "at any time!"
St. Thomas Aquinas on whether violence (duress) causes involuntariness?
"I answer that, Violence is directly opposed to the voluntary, as likewise to the natural. For the voluntary and the natural have this in common, that both are from an intrinsic principle; whereas violence is from an extrinsic principle And for this reason, just as in things devoid of knowledge violence effects something against nature; so in things endowed with knowledge, it effects something against the will. Now that which is against nature is said to be unnatural, and in like manner that which is against the will is said to be involuntary. Therefore violence causes involuntariness." ("Summa Theologica", VI. Fifth Article)
"Cardinal Mindszenty Tortured For 29 Days And Nights"
"Shortly before his arrest he (Cardinal Mindszenty) wrote a note to the effect that he had not been involved in any conspiracy and any confession he might make would be under duress." (Read More)
(The Montreal Gazette, Dec 6, 1956)
"Hungary's Cardinal Mindszenty was tortured by Red secret police for 29 days and nights before his trial on treason charges in 1949 he disclosed in an interview published tonight.
The Cardinal said he was stripped, beaten for days on end with a rubber hose, kept in a cold, damp cell to irritate his weak lung; forced to watch obscene orgies, and questioned without sleep throughout the entire period. When he collapsed, he was revived immediately to deprive him of rest, but no drugs were used to make him confess to trumped-up treason charges at his trial, the Cardinal told interviewer ... published in Look magazine ... 'I will present to the world my own record of the unspeakable brutality practiced on me, which is beyond the imagination of a normal human being' the Cardinal was quoted as saying." (To read the Full Montreal Gazette Article click here.)
Prophecy of St. John of the Cleft Rock (14th c.)
"Towards the end of the world, tyrants and hostile mobs will rob the Church and the clergy of all their possessions and will afflict and martyr them. Those who heap the most abuse upon them will be held in high esteem. At that time, the Pope with his cardinals will have to flee Rome in tragic circumstances to a place where they will be unknown. The Pope will die a cruel death in his exile. The sufferings of the Church will be much greater than at any previous time in her history. But God will raise a holy Pope, and the Angels will rejoice. Enlightened by God, this man will rebuild almost the whole world through his holiness. He will lead everyone to the true Faith. Everywhere, the fear of God, virtue, and good morals will prevail. He will lead all erring sheep back to the fold, and there shall be one faith, one law, one rule of life, and one baptism on earth. All men will love each other and do good, and all quarrels and wars will cease."
Related Links:
Coming to the Rescue of The Pope in Exile (Our Duty!)
How Grace is Supplied for Catholics Without Mass Options
*Crucial Information on How to Get Censures Lifted Now
*Post on how to have ipso facto penalties of censure (such as automatically incurred for participation in non-Catholic worship [N.O. sect & their sspx, sedevacantist] services) officially removed by the Holy See in exile -so one can share in the Church's treasure of heavenly graces.
Q. Which is the fifth precept (commandment) of the Church?
A. Payment of tithes.
"Tithes are commonly defined as: 'the tenth part of all fruits and profits justly acquired, owed to God in recognition of His supreme dominion over man, and to be paid to the ministers of the Church.' In the Old Dispensation this recognition was made by Abraham, promised under vow by Jacob, and legally regulated by Moses. In early Christian times, if there is no evidence of the existence of the practice, it is only because the voluntary offerings of the faithful were ample to supply the needs of the Church and its ministers ... in the Council of Macon in a.d. 585 is found the first express declaration of the Christian obligation of paying tithes, not indeed as a new law, but as the assertion of an admitted Christian principle." -Abbot Gasquet, "Parish Life in Medieval England", pp. 10-11, 1907)
The Church: "has ... the right to conceal herself in the catacombs"
"Now the Christian concept of the Church and of Divine Providence tells us that God 'who loves nothing dearer than the freedom of his Church' (St. Bernard), thus shaped events that the freedom of the Head of the Church should be made secure by his Temporal Power".
' ... the Temporal Power of the Pope is at the present time not only useful but necessary for the liberty of the Church.' Necessary, because the Church has not only a right to live, but also the right to live free and unmolested. Necessary, because she has not merely the right to conceal herself in the catacombs, under the surveillance of a Questor, by the grace of the State, but she has the right to show her everlastingly youthful, beautiful and venerable countenance to all people! Because she has not merely the right to pass by the palaces of the mighty in the ragged garb of a poor servant maid, a beggar imploring a place of shelter, but she has the right to pass majestically through human society, a royal personage with power to command and a gracious blessing for all, a queen adorned with that royal crown which the eternal King placed on her brow when he purchased her, on the Cross, at the price of His Precious Blood!" (Rev. Mgr. Joseph Sehroeder, D.D A.C. Quarterly Review, Vol XVII, PHILADELPHIA: HARDY & MAHONY, 1892)
Blessed be St. Peter, Prince of the Apostles!
The Papal Restoration Staff
Nov. 24, 2014