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True Catholic News
Prophetess & Stigmatist, Marie-Julie
Jahenny of Brittany (on left), photographed receiving a
revelation from heaven (c. 1930). Notice how she is absolutley oblivious to those around her.
The holy Catholic mystic Marie-Julie Jahenny, who related many aspects of the Hostage Pope's [Gregory XVII] hidden papacy, had it revealed to her the means by which the Enemy would achieve its stealthy incarceration [sede impediti] of Christ's Vicar: "Arms recently invented (*atomic weaponry? -ED) will be taken up; day and night they will encamp around his prison." (March 13, 1878) And on August 10, 1880: "If the prisoner martyr (Pope) directs a call (for help), it will be forbidden, under pain of torture and death, for any kingdom to rush in response to his call."
*TCW obtained U.S. Department of State declassified secret documents which repeatedly report Pope Pius XII was virtually convinced the United States government intended to use an atomic weapon against the Vatican. It was reported he (Pius XII) literally had recurring nightmares of such a scenario, and cited that Pius XII believed a key reason the US Government did (1.) not have an ambassador physically at the Vatican - and no formal diplomatic relations, was that indeed the (masonic) US Government was planning an atomic attack on the Vatican State itself.
(1.) Between 1951 and 1958, the United States had no official representative (whatsoever) accredited to the Holy See.
Mar. 8, 2017