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08.12 | 01:18

"Destroy, then, in me whatever may displease you or resist you; would that the pure love of you be so deeply imprinted in my heart that I could never forsake you or be separated from you." (From: An Act of consecration, by Margaret Mary Alacoque)

07.12 | 17:13

Thank you N.S. in Macerata, Italy (this Advent) for your generous support in assisting TCW in disseminating True Catholic News/Content to multiple souls.
The TCW Staff

07.12 | 16:23

The uniform norms for fast and abstinence adopted in 1951 by the bishops of the United States were somewhat modified at their November 1956 meeting. The regulations on this matter now reads as follows: tinyurl.com/572ez55d

06.12 | 22:46

TCW READERS: The Eve of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception (Dec 7) is a day of Fasting & Complete Abstinence.