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"The sacrifice that each one can make is to do his duty and obey my law.
That is the form of penance I now demand." -Our Lord to Sr. Lucy, 1946
Words of Sr. Lucy of Fatima, 1946: "By sacrifice, Our Lady said that she meant the faithful fulfillment of one’s daily duty. The rosary is important if we are to fulfill our daily duty. The *First Five Saturdays’ devotion is important because if people make them they will purge themselves of sin once a month.
All that God wishes in the way of mortification is the simple performance of one’s daily tasks and the acceptance of their difficulty and tedium. Many people imagine that penitence means the performance of great austerities and as they have neither the strength nor generosity to undertake such austerities, they become discouraged and fall into a life of indifference and sin. Our Lord has said to me:“The sacrifice that each one can make is to do his duty and obey my law. That is the form of penance I now demand.”
*Note: This devotion can ONLY be fulfilled by attending Masses and going to Confession of a priest with jurisdiction from the Papacy in exile. Currently during this, the Apostasy, it seldom is completed. Perhaps this is why Sr. Lucy *stated that during this time of Trial, the Holy Rosary would be given a new efficacy by Our Lady: "... with the new efficacy Our Lady has given to the Rosary, there is no problem in the life of anyone which cannot be solved by frequently praying the Rosary."
*Source: Fr. Fuentes Interview of Sr. Lucy of Fatima (Dec 26, 1957)
Obligations of One's State In Life
Have you disobeyed your parents? Have you caused them to be angry? Have you grieved them? Used insulting language to them? Kept or wasted your wages you should have given them for their support? Incited your brothers and sisters or others against them? Neglected to write them or send them help? Neglected them in sickness and death?
Duties of Husbands
Have you grieved your wife; or accused her wrongfully? Have you neglected to provide for your family? Given your children bad example? Failed to correct their faults? Have you interfered with their religious vocation?
Duties of Wives
Have you disobeyed your husband? Caused your children to disobey and dishonor him? Spoken of his faults to your children or neighbors? Neglected to correct your children? Have you given them bad example? Have you instructed them in their religion? Have you interfered with their religious vocation?
Act of Contrition
O my God! I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee; and I detest all my sins, because I dread the loss of heaven and the pains of hell, but most of all because they offend Thee, my God, Who art all good, and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace, to confess my sins, to do penance, and to amend my life. Amen.
Jan. 24, 2015
THE TCW STAFF 07.06.2021 11:44
Q. How to fulfill the Fatima Message?
A. Fulfill one's Daily Duty.
Papal Restoration Staff Member 05.10.2019 07:59
"The sacrifice that each one can make is to do his duty and obey my law.
That is the form of penance I now demand." -Our Lord to Sr. Lucy, 1946 A.D.
Hans W 25.01.2015 19:40
We can do the first five saturdays properly, when able to confess and communicate again during Mass. May our Lady obtain this most precious grace for us.