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These times of not being able to receive Catholic Sacraments have been prophesied for centuries. This will pass. However there are many whose emotions rule them as opposed to their reason, and they can't persevere.
People need to change their thinking from:
Where can I go to Mass?
How can I help the True Church/Papacy in exile?
If they adopted the later, this terrible Crisis [the Apostasy] would end sooner ... they would quite likely stand a better chance to receive True Catholic Sacraments much more frequently also.
"Violent hands will be laid on the Supreme Head of the Catholic Church. ... Yes,
yes, the flock will become small." (End Times Prophecy of Bp. Wittman d. 1833)
The Suffering Holy Father Predicted by Our Lady of Fatima:
Pope Gregory XVII (Elected Oct 26, 1958 - Died in Exile May 2, 1989)
Click: Film clip of Gregory XVII which got past Jewish/N.O. media censors
1967 Italian film footage of suffering pontiff Gregory XVII, ("Siri") making a MANDATORY (by his captor's will) public appearance. NOTE: The holy Catholic mystic Marie-Julie Jahenny, who related of the Hostage Pope's hidden papacy, had it revealed to her the means by which the Enemy would achieve its stealthy incarceration (sede impediti) of Christ's Vicar: "Arms recently invented will be taken up; day and night they will encamp around his prison." (March 13, 1878) And on August 10, 1880: "If the prisoner martyr (Pope) directs a call (for help), it will be forbidden, under pain of torture and death, for any kingdom to rush in response to his call."
Abp. Pintonello (d. 2001) took part in the clandestine meetings with the Hostage Pope,
His Holiness Gregory XVII, at the Istituto Ravasco convent in Rome, Italy in June, 1988.
His Excellency, Archbishop Arrigo Pintonello discussing Gregory XVII, in a 1996 interview, said
he "was the greatest *intellectual genius I've ever met." And in a recorded gasp like Jeremiah, lamented
how Christ could permit the Cardinals to do this to him! (i.e., the violent coup at the 1958 Conclave).
(Source: Videotaped Interview by Mel Gibson & Staff, of **Abp. Pintonello Italy, 1996)
*Gregory XVII had become a priest at the early age of twenty-two, and had won a doctorate in theology
the following year at the Gregorian University, the only member of the class to do it with full points. He was
a theology professor at twenty-four, a bishop at thirty-seven and a was made cardinal by Pius XII at forty-six.
**Msgr. Pintonello (who refused to sign any of the Vatican II Documents) was an Archbishop from the ranks of the Military Chaplains. He was designated Military Ordinary (Chief of Military Chaplains) in 1953. During his active clerical life he was commissioned in 1941 Chaplain Chief Inspector of 360 Chaplains of the CSIR and of the ARMIR, the Italian Army on the Russian Front. To him is due the organization and construction of 380 cemeteries for the war dead, from Botosani in Bessarabia to the Bend of the Don. Decorated with two Military Crosses, he also earned a solemn Commendation for the work of Christian piety in which he was involved in those dramatic and painful times. He was a Rector of two Pontifical Regional Seminaries, Viterbo and Salerno, for the training of young future priests. In a clandistine meeting in Rome, in June 1988, Msgr. Pintonello was created a Cardinal by the "hostage pope", Gregory XVII.
Gregory XVII's Secret Secretary of State, His Excellency Carlo Cardinal Taramasso (d. 1989)
Exclusive TCW pictures of *Mon. Carlo Taramasso, who was made a Cardinal by the Hostage Pope, Gregory XVII, in June 1988 at the Istituto Ravasco convent in Rome, Italy - and served as His Holiness' (secret) Secretary of State for 9 months before his (Card. Taramasso's) mysterious death on March 16, 1989. (From L/R Cardinal Taramasso's ordination to the priesthood 1952; a picture of His Eminence c. 1980's.)
*An older parishioner of his, related the following story when asked by TCW the following question:
"What kind of priest was Carlo Taramasso?"
"He was the best one," was his ready answer.
This is his story. He lost his first child, a son, as a baby. The second, also a boy, needed a complicated surgery in order to survive. He could not afford to pay for the operation, and he felt helpless. His priest, Fr. Taramasso, had worked in a hospital in Rome with a doctor whose specialization was pediatrics and, this type of surgery. Fr. Taramasso arranged the whole thing, at no cost to the parents. The child was saved and became a grown man with a family of his own!
This is the type of priest that Carlo Taramasso was, he did his best for everybody. He was known for his intelligence and was a tireless worker for his spiritual children.
Related Links:
Cardinal Manning's Imperative Book on End Times (Pope in Exile)
1958 Criminal Usurpation of the Papal Throne from *Gregory XVII
*"The person thus elected [pope] acquires full jurisdiction over the universal
Church immediately on consenting, and becomes the Vicar of Christ on earth."
("Canonical Elections" p. 107, 1917, Imp.)
Jurisdiction Protects Against Usurpers and Incompetents
St. Paul: "And how shall they preach unless they be sent?" (Romans x, 15)
Declassified Secret U.S. State Dept Document (Papal Security)
"The (Judeo-Masonic) Communists were so sure of winning the Italian *election
in 1948 that they already had a firing squad appointed to execute the Holy Father."
(Interview of Fr. Lombardy, cited in, "Fatima Or World Suicide", 1950 Imp.)
*Note: On the eve of the 1948 Italian election, the future pontiff, Giuseppe Siri,
(then Archbishop of Genoa) told his diocese that it was a “mortal sin” not to vote, that
“voting Communist was not reconcilable with being a Catholic,” and that confessors
“should withdraw absolution from any who have failed to heed his instructions.”
Security for the True Holy Father - Essential
Papal Prophecy of St. John of the Cleft Rock (14th Century): "Towards the end of the world, tyrants and hostile mobs will rob the Church and the clergy of all their possessions and will afflict and martyr them. Those who heap the most abuse upon them will be held in high esteem. At that time, the Pope with his cardinals will have to flee Rome in tragic circumstances to a place where they will be unknown. The Pope will die a cruel death in his exile. The sufferings of the Church will be much greater than at any previous time in her history. But God will raise a holy Pope, and the Angels will rejoice. Enlightened by God, this man will rebuild almost the whole world through his holiness. He will lead everyone to the true Faith. Everywhere, the fear of God, virtue, and good morals will prevail. He will lead all erring sheep back to the fold, and there shall be one faith, one law, one rule of life, and one baptism on earth. All men will love each other and do good, and all quarrels and wars will cease."
St. Nicolas of Fluh on the Triumph of Our Exiled
Holy Father
"It is granted to few to recognize the true Church amid the darkness of so many schisms and heresies, and to fewer still so to love the truth which they have seen as to fly to its embrace."
(St. Robert Bellarmine, Church Doctor)
"... she [the Church] became so weak that she could not support herself. Then
Lord gave her a staff to support herself upon, and a veil to cover her head. In her desolation she bitterly sobbed, and deplored the solitude in which her children had left her."
(End Times Vision of Ven. Elizabeth Canori Mora d. 1825)
"Qui mange le Pape, meurt!"
Blessed be St. Peter, Prince of the Apostles!
The Papal Restoration Staff
Jun. 29, 2015
Anne Bell 20.10.2017 17:28
Hello, I just discovered this website this morning, and I've spent the entire day reading articles. Thank you for getting this information out to the public.
Sincerely yours,
Anne Bell
TCW 18.08.2016 16:48
Note: Historically important information about Archbishop Siri's role in 1948 to avert a communist takeover of Italy, was added to this post. -ED
chloe 24.07.2016 17:32
My family prays for papal restoration ,would like to support and in any way i can, don't know where to start,am in south india please reply &advice
Dennis Somook 20.11.2015 02:36
Please count me and the rest of my family in the support and prayer for the Papal restoration. Please keep us posted. Thank you and God bless you!
erlinda c. buguis 17.10.2015 00:06
Please count me in for the restoration of the true faith and true Catholic Church.
Raquel Anastacio 28.09.2015 14:25
I want to help. Need to help restoration of True Faith, True Church.
Exclusive TCW, never before published, pictures of Mon. Carlo Taramasso, who was made a Cardinal by the Hostage Pope, Gregory XVII, in June 1988 and served as His Holiness' secret Secretary of State, were just added to this post.
Papal Restoration Staff Member 10.08.2015 20:11
In his Summa Contra Gentiles, Lib. IV, cap. 76, Saint Thomas Aquinas teaches: “To conserve the Unity of the Church, the power of the keys must be passed on through Peter to the other pastors of the Church.”
Papal Restoration Staff Member 28.06.2015 22:52
This total blindness [Error] from the "traditionalist" sect of placing schismatic masses above the duty of True Papal Restoration, is the cancerous fruit of their idol: the spiritually pervert, Non-priest Marcel Lefebvre.