Morning Prayers with Good Intentions for the Day

"The Virgin in Prayer" By Sassoferrato, 1640-1650 A.D.

Morning Prayers (Daily Offering)

 (Extracted from the: "St. Thomas Manual: or, Devotion of the Six Sundays in Honor of the Angel of the Schools, St. Thomas of Aquin", by H. J. Pflugbeil, pp. 103-105, 1887 A.D., Imprimatur.)



1. To God the Father.

O most holy, heavenly Father! I raise my heart
and soul to Thee at early morn; and, as a token of
my filial love, I send up my sighs and prayers to
Thee in heaven.

Prostrate at the feet of Thy divine Majesty,
I adore Thy infinite Divinity, and give Thee thanks
for graciously granting me another day in which
to work out my salvation. I am Thy creature.
To Thee am I indebted for my existence and its
continued preservation; therefore am I obliged
to serve Thee, and for Thee alone, O my Creator
and Supreme Lord, to live. As a morning sacrifice
well-pleasing to Thee, I offer Thee my heart,
the noblest gift in my power to bestow, a gift
that I first received from Thee. My soul sighs for
nothing but to love Thee, to increase ever more
and more in Thy love, and to perform all the works
of this day for Thy greater glory alone. Amen.

2. To Jesus Christ.

I adore Thee, my Crucified Saviour, and give
Thee heartfelt thanks that Thou didst deign to die
on the cross for me and through Thy bitter Passion
to open anew to me the Paradise that sin had
lost! To make some return for so great a benefit,
I am firmly resolved to serve Thee to-day with
filial love and fidelity, and to perform all my
actions to honor Thy bitter Passion and death.

As Thou when hanging on the cross, by the
laceration of Thy sacred members, didst operate
my salvation, so do I desire to-day to use all the
members of my body and all the powers of my
soul in Thy sweet service and in honor of those
immense sufferings which Thou didst endure on
the cross for me! Amen.

3. To the Holy Ghost.

I adore Thee, O beneficent Holy Spirit! I bless
Thy divine mercy that has added another day to
my life. I accept it as a special grace from Thy
divine hand, and I will make use of it so to honor
the bitter Passion of my Lord and Saviour that I
may rejoice for all eternity for having lived to see it.

Thou, O Holy Spirit, O Spirit of Love, thou art
the Fountain-head of all graces! I pray Thee,
therefore, to bestow upon me the grace to
keep my soul free from sin to-day and to think
often upon the bitter Passion of my Lord. Amen.

4. Good Intentions for the Day.

O my God, I solemnly promise before Thee and
the whole heavenly court, to serve Thee to-day
with all my strength, and to perform all my actions
for Thy good pleasure!

With the same intention that animated Christ
and all the saints, I desire to perform all my
spiritual and corporal works, offering them to
Thee in the most perfect manner.

I unite all my thoughts, words, and actions to
the most holy thoughts, words, and actions of
my Saviour Jesus Christ and all the saints. I desire
to become as pleasing to Thee by my works as
the saints did by theirs whilst on earth. Amen.

Our Lord once said to St. Mechtilde: "Whoever on awaking sighs with all his heart towards Me, and asks Me to perfect in him all his actions during the day, draws Me to him and does all by Me." Such is the spirit of the Morning Offering, and in this spirit the Saint and her holy sister St. Gertrude lived and died.