Ireland: The Land of 

Saints & Scholars

Those who Suffered for the Catholic faith in Ireland in the 16th-18th Centuries

In Today's Catholic World has been in contact

with True Catholics in Ireland practically since

its inception. The Irish are some of the kindest

people in the world. Nothing good ever comes

easy ... Irishmen have been persecuted for 

centuries, and as a result (traditionally) their

Faith has only shined brighter.

So, for all our True Catholic readers, we are

posting an excellent book entitled: "Memorials

of Those who Suffered for the Catholic faith in

Ireland in the 16th, 17th and 18th Centuries".

This compelling, hard-to-put-down book details

the heroic Catholic martyrs of Ireland during the

satanic English persecution. It was published by

the Catholic Book Company Burns & Oates in 1868.

Irish Catholics attending a catacomb type Mass in the midst of the Protestant English persecution

Ancient Irish Litany Of The Ever Blessed Mother Of God In The Original Irish:

View  Illustrated Life Story

of St. Colman Mac Duagh

Ancient Prayer


(Translated from the Irish of the Eighth Century.)

Mary, greatest of Marys,
Most great of women,
Queen of the angels,
Mistress of the heavens,
Woman full and replete with the grace of the Holy Spirit,
Blessed and most blessed,
Mother of eternal glory,
Mother of the heavenly and earthly Church,
Mother of love and indulgence,
Mother of the golden light,
Honor of the sky,
Harbinger of peace,
Gate of heaven,
Golden casket,
Couch of love and mercy,
Temple of the Divinity,
Beauty of virgins,
Mistress of the tribes,
Fountain of the gardens,
Cleansing of sins,
Washing of souls,
Mother of orphans,
Breast of the infants,
Refuge of the wretched,
Star of the sea,
Handmaid of God,
Mother of Christ,
Abode of the Godhead,
Graceful as the dove,
Serene like the moon,
Resplendent like the sun,
Destruction of Eve's disgrace,
Regeneration of life,
Perfection of women,
Chief of the virgins,
Garden enclosed,
Fountain sealed,
Mother of God,
Perpetual Virgin,
Holy Virgin,
Prudent Virgin,
Serene Virgin,
Chaste Virgin,
Temple of the Living God,
Throne of the Eternal King,
Sanctuary of the Holy Spirit,
Virgin of the root of Jesse,
Cedar of Mount Lebanon,
Cypress of Mount Sion,
Crimson rose in the land of Jacob,
Fruitful like the olive,
Blooming like the palm,
Glorious son-bearer,
Light of Nazareth,
Glory of Jerusalem,
Beauty of the world,
Noblest born of the Christian people,
Queen of life,
Ladder of Heaven,

Hear the petition of the poor; spurn not the wounds and the groans of the miserable.

Let our devotion and our sighs be carried through thee to the presence of the Creator, for we are not ourselves worthy of being heard because of our evil deserts.

O powerful Mistress of heaven and earth, wipe out our trespasses and our sins.

Destroy our wickedness and depravity.

Raise the fallen, the debilitated, and the fettered. Loose the condemned. Repair through thyself the transgressions of our immorality and our vices. Bestow upon us through thyself the blossoms and ornaments of good actions and virtues. Appease for us the Judge by thy prayers and thy supplications. Allow us not, for mercy's sake, to be carried off from thee among the spoils of our enemies. Allow not our souls to be condemned, but take us to thyself for ever under thy protection.

We, moreover, beseech and pray thee, holy Mary, to obtain, through thy potent supplication, before thy only Son, that is, Jesus Christ, the son of the living God, that God may defend us from all straits and temptations.

Obtain also for us from the God of Creation the forgiveness and remission of all our sins and trespasses, and that we may receive from Him further, through thy intercession, the everlasting habitation of the heavenly kingdom, through all eternity, in the presence of the saints and the saintly virgins of the world; which may we deserve, may we enjoy, in saecula saeculorum. Amen.

Click image to enlarge: Two Irish Catholics praying at St. Declan's Holy Well in Ardmore, County Waterford

Believed to have been in use in the Eighth Century.

Lately recovered from oblivion. With Translations

In English And Latin HIS HOLINESS PIUS IX., OF




NY: Robert Coddixgton, Publisher c. 1880, Imp.

(Download text, with Gaelic)

Saint Colman Mac Duagh (560-632 A.D.), is one of Ireland's most beloved saints.
View the illustrated life story of this holy Irish bishop and monk by clicking here.

Prayer to St. Colman Mac Duagh

(Pater noster)

Pater noster, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur Nomen Tuum. Adveniat regnum Tuum, fiat voluntas Tua, sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nostra, sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris, et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo. Amen.


(Ave Maria)

Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus tecum; Benedicta tu in mulieribus et benedictus fructus ventris tui, Iesus. Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, ora pro nobis peccatoribus, nunc et in hora mortis nostrae. Amen.


(Gloria Patri)

Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto, sicut erat in principio, et nunc et'semper, et in saecula saeculorum. Amen.

Related Link: Ireland's Holy Mountain (Croagh Patrick)

Sanctus Colomanus, ora pro nobis!

Apparition of Our Lady of Knock (Ireland) on 1879

On a raining Thursday evening on the 21st of August 1879, at about the hour of eight o'clock, The Blessed Virgin Mary clothed in white robes with a brilliant crown on her head, St. Joseph, and St. John the Evangelist appeared in a blaze of Heavenly light at the south gable of the Church of St. John the Baptist in Knock, Ireland. Behind them and a little to the left of St. John was an altar. On the altar was a cross and a lamb with adoring angels.

The Apparition was seen by fifteen people whose ages ranged from six years to seventy-five and included men, women, adolescents and children. The witnesses watched the Apparition in pouring rain for two hours, while they (the witnesses) recited the Most Holy Rosary. 

Our Lady of Knock, Queen of Ireland,

Ora Pro Nobis!

Pilgrims (1880's) at the site of the Church approved apparition of the Blessed Virgin May at Knock, Ireland

The Emerald Isle: Beautiful Scenery of Connemara (Video)