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"A pope will suffer torment beyond his powers. He will be discarded and sidelined."
(Prophecy of Marie-Julie Jahenny on August 5th, 1878)
"...It is Me who will give you this pontiff. Pray for him: he will have
under his sight a fierce revolt! Until his death, his hand will hold on
unto the Cross and won’t let it go. Pray, I beg you, pray!, because the
Faith and Religion will be crushed under the feet of those criminals."
(Our Blessed Lord to Marie-Julie Jahenny on September 3rd, 1878)
L/R: (1.) Catholic prophetess Marie-Julie Jahenny photographed in a state of spiritual ecstasy. (2.) As a Cardinal, Giuseppe Siri of Genoa, Italy was known to be the handpicked successor of Pius XII. (3.) Papal Conclave on Oct 26, 1958 at 6:00 p.m., white smoke bellows forth from the Sistine Chapel for five minutes, indicating Siri is elected Pope. He *accepted the office and chose the name Gregory XVII. Then, a freemasonic coup d'etat occurred within the conclave itself - violently "blocking" the newly elected pope. [*Note: "The person thus elected [pope] acquires full jurisdiction over the universal Church immediately on consenting, and becomes the Vicar of Christ on earth." ("Canonical Elections" Page 107, Imprimatur 1917 A.D.)]
"Hell will launch.. an ultimate struggle against My representative [the True/exiled Pope].
(Our Blessed Lord to Marie-Julie Jahenny on September 29th, 1878)
"The Pope will be attacked and taken prisoner, all ecclesiastical authorities
[i.e., those in union with him] will be persecuted; at first, they will be allowed to
practice their ministry, then, they will be removed from their posts and then
order will come for their departure. The wicked will take their place; new
types of ceremonies will be put in place... against the Faith and Divine laws."
(Prophecy of Marie-Julie Jahenny on September 19th, 1881)
"He will not have a voice like the past pontiffs. But he will
continue to provide for his children and the infallible church."
(Prophecy of Marie-Julie Jahenny on January 11th, 1881)
Upper L: (1.) Marie-Julie Jahenny, "The Breton Stigmatist" receiving instructions/revelations from Heaven c. 1930. Upper R: (2.) The Hostage Pope, Gregory XVII, shown under his (often stealthy) decades-long, 24/7 surveillance. Lower L: (3.) Pope Gregory XVII although under a constant, fatiguing (strategically inflicted) Gethsemane, by Satan's masons - coupled with the more painful heartbreaking public abandonment by His Own (Cardinals), is shown in a rare (MSM published) photo openly confronting the fraud Wojtyla. Lower R: (4.) Historic photograph taken on June 15th, 1988 (see time stamp on lower right corner) at the Istituto Ravasco convent in Rome, documenting the third clandestine meeting an individual - and team of True clergy (which included Abp. Arrigo Pintonello) had with the "suffering Pontiff" foretold by Our Lady of Fatima. Pope Gregory XVII formulated/implemented a detailed Continuance of Papacy Plan from 1988 to 1989, which included creating Bishops (with canonical mission [jurisdiction]) and Cardinals.
"The Church will be deprived of her supreme chief who is now governing her. For a fairly long time the Church will be deprived of prayer and offices. She will be exiled by God and from His chosen ones. . . In deep mourning the Church will no longer hear the ringing of her bells. From the eyes of the Church I see tears of distress flowing down."
(Prophecy of Marie-Julie Jahenny on March 29th, 1881)
“Within a short time daughter, only a few priests will be
left, who will obey the luminous voice which is the command
of all men on earth, as the chief of the most Holy Church.”
(Our Blessed Lord to Marie-Julie Jahenny on October 27th, 1884)
Exclusive TCW pictures of Mon. Carlo Taramasso, who was made a Cardinal by the Hostage Pope, Gregory XVII, in June 1988 at the Istituto Ravasco convent in Rome, Italy - and served as His Holiness' (secret) Secretary of State for 9 months before his (Card. Taramasso's) mysterious death on March 16, 1989. (From L/R Cardinal Taramasso's ordination to the priesthood 1952; a picture of His Eminence c. 1980's.)
"It will be a great devastation. I, your God, will have purified
everything. The survivors [of these trials, which seemingly will
include the 3 Days of Darkness -ED] must give thanks to the Blessed
Trinity for their protection. Magnificent shall My Kingdom of peace
be, and My name shall be invoked and praised from sunrise to sunset."
(Our Blessed Lord to Marie-Julie Jahenny c. 1933)
In his Summa Contra Gentiles, Lib. IV, cap. LXXVI, St. Thomas Aquinas teaches:
“To conserve the Unity of the Church, the power of the keys must be
passed on through Peter to the other pastors of the Church.”
Pope Pius XI wrote in Mortalium Animos:
“It follows then that the Church of Christ not only exists to-day and always, but is also exactly the same as it was in the time of the Apostles, unless we were to say, which God forbid, either that Christ our Lord could not effect His purpose, or that He erred when He asserted that the gates of hell should never prevail against it.”
Related Links:
TCW Exclusive: Rare Footage of 1958 Conclave White Smoke
Abp. (Card.) Pintonello Confirmed "Siri" Was Pope In 1996 Video
People Must Change Their Thinking in Order to End this Crisis
(Note: Includes more quotes from the significant Abp. Pintonello 1996 interview, from Selva dei Piniin Italy.)
Declassified Document: US Involved in 1958 Conclave Coup
"It is unimaginable what can happen in a conclave." -Gregory XVII ("Siri")
Fr. Charles-Roux: Siri was Elected Pope & NEVER Abdicated
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Marie-Julie Jahenny Prophecies on Hidden King & Clergy
Sistine Chapel Smoke in 1958: "definitely white in color"
Pope St. Pius X Prophecy of Gregory XVII's Exile & Captivity
More on Gregory XVII's Trusted Cardinal Carlo Taramasso
Fr. Malachi Martin said "undeniable fact" Siri Elected Pope
Pope Gregory XVII's Public Castigations of V2 Sect Antipopes
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Cardinal Manning's Imperative Book on End Times (Pope in Exile)
"How to be in Valid Communion with the True Papacy"
TCW Statement on Current Situation/Crisis of The Church
(Video): St. Nicolas of Fluh on Triumph of Exiled Holy Father
Mont Saint-Michel To Be Meeting Place After "The 3 Days of Darkness"
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May. 31, 2021