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Important Note: A Catholic is obliged to attend Holy Mass each Sunday and Holy Day of
Obligation. This is not possible for the majority of true Catholics during this prophesied (by Our Lady of La Salette) "Eclipse of the Church". See imperative information on how to fulfill
your Mass obligation and about valid Confessions here.
That a Sin be Mortal These 3 Conditions are Required:
"That a sin be mortal three conditions are requisite: (1) it must be an offence in grave matter; committed (2) with full knowledge of its sinfulness, and (3) with free and full consent.
Venial sin tarnishes the soul; mortal sin kills the soul, by robbing it of sanctifying grace. Venial sin renders us less pleasing to God, and mortal sin makes us enemies of God. Venial sin deserves purgatory, and mortal sin deserves hell."
("Short Sermons For The Low Masses Of Sunday. Comprising In
Series A Methodical Exposition of Christian Doctrine",
By Rev. Father X. Schouppe, S.J., p. 355, London: Burns & Oates, 1883 Imp.)
Blessed be St. Peter, Prince of the Apostles!
The Papal Restoration Staff