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Grave of Ven. Bartholomew Holzhauser (1613-1658 A.D.) Church of St. Martin in Bingen, Germany
Note: The renowned Catholic prophet, Ven. Bartholomew Holzhauser, recorded that there are seven periods (states) of the history of the Catholic Church, from its foundation to its consummation
at the final judgment. It seems clear we are nearing the end of the Fifth period, which according to Holzhauser precedes the Sixth period of the church, "the status consolationis" (state of consolation), which begins with the Holy Pope and the Great Catholic Monarch, and ends with the birth of Antichrist. Our Lady of Perseverance, pray for the True (underground) Catholic Church! -ED
(17th c. Prophecy of Ven. Bartholomew Holzhauser): "The fifth state of the church is the state of tribulation, the state of apostacy, full of miseries of every kind. ... The greatest desolation will reign over the earth. ... These things will come to pass by the very just judgment of God, because of the accumulated mass of our iniquities, whereof our fathers and ourselves have filled up the measure, at the moment when the mercy of Almighty God awaited our doing penance. ... In this lamentable state of the church, divine and human laws are without force, and made of light account; the doctrines and precepts of the church are despised: ecclesiastical discipline is not better observed by the priests, than political order is maintained by the people. Every one, like the beasts of the field, believes what he pleases, and doth what he wills."
(Source: "Bartholomew Holzhauser's Life, Visions, and Commentary on St. John's Revelations". Translated from the Latin, and accompanied with Introductory and Explanatory Remarks. By Lewis Clarus [The Dublin Review, Vol. XXIX, 1850 A.D.])
(St. John Bosco, d. 1888)
"Italy will be mired in desolation. France shall be chastised. Rome will see its
extermination. The Holy Father will have to flee. There will be a terrible struggle
between the light and darkness. The darkness shall cease and a splendorous sun will
shine. The earth will be scorched and many will have disappeared. The Holy Father
will return. There will be an end to sin." -St. John Bosco (End Times Prophecy)
Mar. 30, 2021