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View TCW's Gallery of Sacred Catholic Churches
All photographs were taken before the 1900's
(Click images below for details.)
Robert 18.01.2019 03:52
Beautiful Church's. Hope we can get them back one day!
Ad Iesum per Mariam 06.01.2017 06:00
Take heart! Although they have our beautiful buildings, WE have the glorious Catholic Faith! S. Athanasius, ora pro nobis et pro nostra Ecclesia!
Papal Restoration Staff Member 01.03.2017 00:48
Yes. What great rewards await the True Faithful who persevere with the light of the True Catholic Faith, in this darkest of eclipses (i.e., worst persecution ever of the Church).
fern 15.12.2014 19:28
To think that in not one of these monuments of the Roman Catholic Church, the Real Presence exists today.