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True Catholic News
"Monsignor (Lefebvre), I have heard that you are in this moment in bad health. This is why I have taken the audacity to tell you the following: You have been consecrated a bishop by Cardinal Lienart, (who) never believed in our religion, so your consecration by him has been nulled. I am ready to consecrate you a bishop or you can find a bishop to consecrate you secretly. As regards the ecclesiastics that you made priests, find a bishop, for example myself, to consecrate them. All this, is in strict secrecy, known only between you and I. Pierre Martin Ngo-dihn-Thuc, Archbishop" (Photocopy of the ORIGINAL HANDWRITTEN TEXT IN FRENCH letter by Msgr. Thuc sent to Lefebvre - 100% authentic.)
May. 1, 2013