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Pictured is the final part of St. Malachy's Papal Prophecy (List of Popes) from the Lignum Vitæ 1595 A.D., p. 311. CVII (#107) on list: "Pastor et nauta" (Shepherd and sailor) Pope Gregory XVII, Elected October 26th, 1958, CVIII (#108) on list: "Flos florum" (Flower of flowers) Pope Gregory XVIII, Elected May 3, 1991 in secret Conclave in Rome. Note: "Where Peter is, there is the Church." Our Lady of La Salette said: “The Church will be in eclipse, the world will be in dismay." Our Blessed Lord promised to St. Peter and His Successors " portae inferi non praevalebunt adversum eam."
May. 17, 2013
Eisenhut Wolfgang Conrad 22.11.2022 06:05
Hochinteressanter Blog. Danke.
Rihards 19.07.2018 13:27
Could antipope Francis be the last antipope of Vatican II sect before 3 days of darkness?
EDITOR OF TCW 20.07.2018 16:24
That very well could be what occurs. The terrible 3 Days of Darkness will happen in most of our lifetime - in my opinion. We must be prepared. See: