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"All past persecutors of the Church are now no more, but the Church still lives on. The same fate awaits *modern persecutors; they, too, will pass on, but the Church of Jesus Christ will always remain, for God has pledged His Word to protect Her and be with Her forever, until the end of time." -Saint John Bosco
(The Incorrupt Body of St. John Bosco)
*Stemming from what St. Paul forewarned of in II Thess., II:i-iv (the revolt and separation - from the True Lawful Pontiff "The Bond of Faith" [Gregory XVII] elected Oct. 26, 1958), the largest body of these persecutors today consists of the schismatic Novus Ordo (& their sspx) and sedevacantist antipapal sects of perdition. Their days are numbered.
St. John Bosco (1815-1888) was the recipient of many prophetic dreams, which are recorded in seven large volumes. Many of the dreams of St. John Bosco could more properly be called visions, for God used this means to reveal His will for the Saint. Yet, not only did his dreams lead and direct the Saint, they also gave him wisdom and guidance by which he was able to help and guide others upon their ways.
He was just nine years of age when he had his first dream that laid out his life mission. It was this dream that impressed Pope Pius IX so much that he ordered St. John Bosco to write down his dreams for the encouragement of his Congregation and the rest of us.
St. John Bosco's most famous dream, "The Dream of the Two Pillars", provides much insight into the Hidden Papacy (The Church in Eclipse). Click to read this papal prophecy. Also important for today, is his prophecy of "The Venerable Old Man of Lazio" (Lazio = Rome).
Relevant Links:
A Sketch of the Life and Works of the Venerable Don Bosco, Apostle of Youth, Founder of the Society of St. Francis of Sales (1916) Imprimatur (Note: has many pictures/illustrations)
Blessed be St. Peter, Prince of the Apostles!
The Papal Restoration Staff
May. 21, 2013
John 07.10.2018 10:36
The dream of the two pillars showed an important detail, we have to call on Mary under the title of Auxilium Christianorum, this title was written on the pillar