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TCW is posting for its readers, three classic books regarding the holy German prophetess, Ann Catherine Emmerich, whom the True Church (currently in eclipse) is so greatly indebted.
(Her Consciousness at Baptism)
"During baptism I beheld my guardian angel, my patron saints, St. Anne and St. Catharine, standing near me, whilst the Mother of God herself came towards me, bearing the infant Jesus in her arms, Who placed a ring upon my finger, and chose me then and there for His spouse. At the same time everything holy, everything blessed, everything connected with the Church was made known to me. All the past, present, and future of the Church passed before my mind in a series of almost palpable pictures."
(From, "The Life of Anne Catherine Emmerich", Ch. 2. Infused Knowledge and Spiritual Training, p. 9)
Links to the Three Books:
"The Life of Anne Catherine Emmerich" (1874)
"The Lowly Life and Bitter Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Blessed Mother",
Edited by The Very Rev. C.SS.R. C.E. Schmöger, Impr. 1916 (612 pages)
"The Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ From the Meditations of Anne Catherine", Impr. 1899
Blessed be St. Peter, Prince of the Apostles!
The Papal Restoration Staff
May. 24, 2013
Orson 25.05.2013 16:14
Oh thank you so so so very much for this. I was longing for the writings and the Life of the Great Anne Catherine Emmerich. Thank you so much once again!