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(1948 Ship Blessing, Genoa) We've received a great response to our recent posts of historic video clips of Bp. Siri, of the world famous seaport city Genoa (the future Pope Gregory XVII i.e., St. Malachy's Pastor and sailor). It defies words (and reason) how the pseudo-trads/sspx assert they're at the last entry on St. Malachy's Sacred list, with the (ineligible Ever to be pope by LAW) 101% Judaized Arch-Modernist Gnostic "Francis". ... True Catholics: Pay no attention to their fallacies! Note: as a representative of the Holy See (in exile) said in regards these antipapal pseudo-traditionalists And their mutant cousins (the seditious sedes), "let the dead bury the dead."
May. 25, 2013