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There's nothing "Traditional" about Subverting Catholic Order to found a "Headless church" that tends to war amongst itself 24/7 and purposely fails to mention the word "pope" in its "holy emergency plan" ... **EXCEPT** that it IS the Traditional Blueprint of every Schismatic and Heretical group that has persecuted the Church. Truly, today's Violators (Schismatics) of the Papal Mandate Law (the N.O. sect's sspx & the sede's) are a Bullseye for Pius IX's scathing condemnations against all fools, who dare oppose the Divine Constitution of the Church.
An excerpt from Quartus Supra:
"... they are schismatics even if they had not yet been condemned as such by Apostolic authority." -Pius IX
"Warning from the Holy See: (5.) We must now greatly fear that the originators of the new schism and their adherents may succeed in their plan of seducing both the weak in faith and the less prudent Catholics ... leading them off on the path of perdition. Therefore We are compelled to address you again, and by dispelling that darkness and thick mist which, conceals the truth, to warn all men. It is Our duty to strengthen those who stand firm, to support the wavering, and also to recall to goodness, those men who have wretchedly abandoned the truth and Catholic unity, if only, they are willing to listen. ...
But the neo-schismatics say that it was not a case of doctrine but of discipline, so the name and prerogatives of Catholics cannot be denied to those who object. ... We do not doubt that you know well how vain and worthless this evasion is ... they are schismatics even if they had not yet been condemned as such by Apostolic authority. ... Further more, as Our predecessor Pius VI warned in his Apostolic letter condemning the civil constitution of the clergy in France,[25] discipline is often closely related to doctrine and has a great influence in preserving its purity. In fact, in many instances, the holy Councils have unhesitatingly cut off from the Church by their anathema those who have infringed its discipline."
Blessed be St. Peter, Prince of the Apostles!
The Papal Restoration Staff
May. 26, 2013
Joseph L. 16.02.2014 07:40
Does this condemnation in Quartus Supra pertaining to the SSPX & the Sedevacantists ALSO extend to the FSSP, ICKSP, & any sect that recognizes the V2 hierarchy?
PAPAL RESTORATION STAFF Member 24.02.2014 14:15
It is most certain ... as the Antipapcy (headed by the schismatic warlock Francis) "officially" recognize the sspx's founder's non-papal mandated "consecrations" as non-schismatic ... . They all hate papal authority.