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"St. Antony never held communion with the Meletian schismatics, knowing their wickedness and rebellion from the beginning, nor had friendly converse with the Manichees, nor any other heretics, save only to warn them to return to their duty, believing and teaching that their friendship and society was a harm and ruin to the soul. So also he loathed the Arian heresy and taught all neither to go near them nor partake in their ill-faith."
-St. Athanasius (Note: AVOID the Antipapal N.O.'s sspx and sedevacantist Schismatics if you truly desire Heaven!)
May. 27, 2013
Papal Restoration Staff Member 28.05.2013 14:23
Hi. Yes. We are thinking you are mentioning these Anti-Thomist Quacks advice to their dupes, to attend the B'nai B'rith sired V-2 SECT's False worship services.
Lukasz Alexander Howaniak 28.05.2013 12:46
This clearly rebukes the obvious errors of the Dimond brothers