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"When the time of the reign of Antichrist is near, a false religion will appear (launched via "The Revolt" [II Thess., II:i-iv] at the 1958 Conclave -TCW) which will be opposed to the unity of God and His Church. THIS WILL CAUSE THE GREATEST SCHISM THE WORLD HAS EVER KNOWN. The nearer the time of the end, the more the darkness of Satan will spread on earth, the greater will be the number of the children of corruption, and the number of the just will correspondingly diminish… ."
Prophecy of Anne Catherine Emmerich, October 22, 1823 (from, "The Life of Anne Catherine Emmerich" by Rev. Fr. Carl Schmoger CSSR) about the "greatest schism... ever" caused by the Agent of Antichrist Angelo Roncalli's [Antipope John XXIII], criminal usurpation of the papacy from Christ's Lawfully Elected Vicar, Gregory XVII, at the 1958 Conclave. The prophecy says: "a false religion will appear which will be OPPOSED to the UNITY of God and His Church." Fact: The "Enemies of the Cross" most intense hatred, has always concentrated itself on the central point of Catholic UNITY, the PAPACY (which they STRUCK, so the sheep would be scattered). Pray!
Jul. 27, 2013
JOHN FINNAN 25.10.2019 02:36
Please can you explain [...] how all this evil made it into the Catholic church. I would like to have information on all the false popes. (Edited)
EDITOR OF TCW 25.10.2019 02:53
Imprudent admissions into seminaries and convents along with the Church not flexing its Muscle with the Holy Inquisition to keep its members, clergy and lay, "in line" - IMO. See:
Eve Mahony 29.05.2017 19:04
Please send me the information of the false pope. I have no actual knowledge of what happened and what I must know to remain faithful to the Holy See. Thank y
The site has many articles on the Antipopes and the True (exiled) Popes. To see background on the latest Antipope "Frank" see:
Papal Restoration Staff Member 28.04.2014 07:10
"I see the black counterfeit church gaining ground, I see its fatal influence on the public. ... The people MUST pray earnestly for the extirpation [rooting out, destruction] of the dark church." (Prophetic Vision of Ven. Anne Catherine Emmerich, d. 1824)