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Click here to read Pius XII's "Ad Apostolorum Principis"
Note: The Pseudo-Traditionalist/Sedevacantist "leaders" have fleeced multi-millions of dollars from confused layman (for decades) via their heretical conception/gross misapplication of *epikeia. The Church has formally condemned this specific type of criminal attack on Her Divine Constitution of Government/Order. This condemnation (**excommunication) applies to all who belong to, or support these antipapal schismatic sects.
*"Epikeia is not to be identified with interpretation, dispensation, presumed permission, excusing cause, or popular acceptance of human law…Human invalidating laws sometimes cease to bind; but epikeia may not be applied to human invalidating laws… IN REGARD TO MATTERS WHICH TOUCH THE ESSENCE OF THE SACRAMENTS, THE USE OF EPIKEIA IS ALWAYS EXCLUDED." (The History, Nature, and Use of Epikeia in Moral Theology, by Fr. Lawrence Joseph Riley, 1948 Imprimatur)
**Under the severest censure (the penalty of excommunication): one may not participate in public worship nor receive the Body of Christ or any of the sacraments. Moreover, if he be a cleric, he is **forbidden to administer a sacred rite or to exercise an act of spiritual authority.
**To attempt to consecrate a bishop without a papal mandate incurs ipso facto excommunication. This means that the excommunication takes place by the very fact of the attempted criminal/sacrilegious consecration; there need not be an accusation and trial to determine one’s guilt: The act itself results in the penalty.
"The Catholic Church will never compromise a doctrine; it will never allow two doctrines to be taught within its pale... The Catholic Church is bound by the Divine law to suffer martyrdom rather than compromise a doctrine." -Cardinal Manning, "The Present Crisis of the Holy See Tested By Prophecy: Four Lectures", p. 73.
Sceptrum orthodoxae fidei (The Queen of the True Faith)
Ora Pro Nobis!
Sep. 5, 2013
Joseph L. 03.08.2014 02:39
MAGNAE NOBIS, Encyclical of Pope Benedict XIV: #9 "The Roman Pontiff is ABOVE Canon Law but any bishop is inferior to that law & consequently cannot modify it."
Joseph L. 25.07.2014 07:48
Pope Callistus II, Lateran I, Denz 363: "Let NO ONE unless canonically elected extend his hand for consecration to the episcopacy." A Papal mandate is required!
Hans W. 07.09.2013 10:57
Glory to God Almighty and Merciful, thank you so much. I will. Blessed be st.Peter, Prince of the Apostle's