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TCW is honored to publish a book that Pope Gregory XVII (who the world thought was Cardinal Siri), wrote about his own dear father. The book "Mio Padre", translated here in English for the first time, was written in 1975.
The text provides rare insights into the background and life of Gregory XVII, and gives glimpses of the hidden suffering he constantly endured. (See perceptive footnotes on p. 55)
Click Here to read in English: "Mio Padre",
By Giuseppe Siri (Pope Gregory XVII), 1975
Translator’s Note
When I received this book in 2005, I realised that I was holding a gem
that, although originally published only for friends and family, would be a
means of edification for all of mankind.
Niccolo Siri lived consciously to be a help to everyone, and he relied
on God utterly. You will see that his life is a path to sainthood. He also was
very close to his son, Giuseppe Siri, and would help this son through some
of the most difficult times that he was to face as the hidden pope, Gregory
XVII (October 26, 1958 to May 2, 1989). Niccolo died in 1964, at almost
100 years of age.
In understanding the father, we come to know of the formation and
character of the son. Niccolo’s lessons to his son were direct and easy to
understand. The father was also a man of prayer who put all of his trust in
Divine Providence. He also passed this lesson onto his son.
There are no footnotes in the original text, as it was meant for those
who knew Niccolo Siri intimately. For the reader’s information, the
footnoting is all my own, in an effort to help to clarify meaning and/or
broaden the possibilities for layers of meaning. As the Exiled and Hidden
Pope Gregory XVII, Siri was under constant constraint, and even this book
would have been known about and gone over. I have encountered odd
situations of capitalisation and so I have decided to keep the capitalisation
exactly as it appears in Siri’s original Italian. Perhaps this will help to
deepen meaning if it is there. All intrusions on my part are in square
brackets so as to separate them from the text. I have also chosen to stay
close to the wording of the text, keeping to Pope Gregory XVII’s wording
rather than a breezier translation.
I offer this work to the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, for
the triumph of her Heart in my heart and in the hearts of all mankind from
the beginning of time to the end of time. Deo Gratias!
September 1, 2008
Aug. 28, 2014