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"I have seen one of my successors, of the same name,
who was fleeing (Rome) ... he will die a cruel death."
"I see the Russians at Genoa."
Giuseppe Sarto's (Pius X) Prophetic Visions of
Giuseppe Siri (Gregory XVII)
In 1909, during an audience for the general chapter of the Franciscan Order, Pope Pius X suddenly fell into a trance. The audience waited in reverent silence. When he awoke, the Pope cried out:
"What I see is terrifying! Will it be myself? Will it be my successor? What is certain is that the Pope will quit Rome, and in leaving the Vatican he will have to walk over the dead bodies of his priests.
Just prior to his death (August 20, 1914), Pope Pius X had another vision:
"I have seen one of my successors, of the same name (Giuseppe), who was fleeing over the bodies of his brethren. He will take refuge in some hiding place; but after a brief respite he will die a cruel death."
The same Pope also foretold war for the year 1914, and during his death agony (in 1914), he said:
"I see the [1.] Russians at Genoa."
[1.] "... Russians at Genoa." Reference to the Commie/masonic captors of Pope Gregory XVII - who guarded the hostage pope's every move in Genoa (Italy) - where His Holiness was exiled.
Aug. 29, 2014