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True Catholic News
The Raccolta, 1903, Imprimatur
I, N. N., give and consecrate to the Sacred Heart
of Jesus Christ my person and my life, all my actions,
pains and sufferings, resolved of not using any por-
tion of my own self but for his honor, love and glory.
My irrevocable determination is to be entirely his,
and to do everything for his love, renouncing with
all my heart any act that may displease him.
I do choose you, O most Sacred Heart, for the
only object of my love, the protector of
my life, the
security of my salvation, the safeguard against my
frailty and fickleness, the reparation for
my delin-
quencies in life, and my most secure refuge in the
hour of death.
Be yourself, O bountiful Heart, my justification
before your
Divine Father, and defend me from the
dread of his just wrath. O most loving Heart, I
place all my trust
in you, for I am afraid of my own
malice and weakness, but all my hope rests with your
Destroy, then, in me whatever may displease you
or resist you; would that the pure love of you be so
deeply imprinted in my heart that I could never
you or be separated from you.
I beseech you, by all your mercies towards me,
that my name may be written in you ; since I crave but
one thing, that all my happiness and glory may be to
live and to die as your most humble servant. Amen.
His Holiness, Leo XIII, by a rescript of the S. Congr. of
Indulgences, January 13, 1898, granted to all the faithful who
shall recite the above consecration
An indulgence of three hundred days, once a day.
Oct. 17, 2014