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"809 Dz 434 Because some indeed "under the pretext of piety, denying his power" (according to what the Apostle says) (2Tm 3,5), assume to themselves the authority of preaching, when the same Apostle says: "How . . . shall they preach, unless they are sent?" (Rm 10,15), let all who, being prohibited or not sent, without having received authority from the Apostolic See, or from the Catholic bishop of the place, shall presume publicly or privately to usurp the duty of preaching * be marked by the bond of excommunication; and unless they recover their senses, the sooner the better, let them be punished with another fitting penalty."
809 Denzinger 434, The necessity of a canonical mission, Chap. 3 . (Condemnation of) The Heretics £[Waldensian]*
Nov. 14, 2014
A True priest overseas had to travel through a dangerous region last week, to be able to pick up alms the Faithful had sent. He received them yesterday and wants to thank all True Catholics for their generosity.
Many are hoping for opportunities to receive True Sacraments. Of course bear in mind, there is absolutely no visible "diocesan infrastructure" in place (due to The Usurpation) that normally would support the sacred ministers of the altar.
Papal Restoration Staff Member 18.11.2014 15:14
809 Denzinger 434 betrays the absolute contempt for the papacy by the faithless "traditionalist mass" anarchists (i.e. the V2 sect's sspx, the sedevacantists, "independents", or whatever name they may invent to deceive their patron$).