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This chart shows examples of crimes that the Holy Office of the Inquisition was able to prosecute in New Spain on behalf of the Roman Pontiffs. New Spain comprised what is now the Southwestern UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Mexico, Central America, and much of the Caribbean; and New Castile, with Peru as its center, comprising almost all of South America. Popes in previous centuries have rewarded fervent members of the Church Militant (with indulgences equal to those granted the Crusaders) for their zeal in helping Holy Mother Church CRUSH ALL heretics/schismatics. NOTE: If you have info that may assist the Church in its War against Her enemies - email.
Nov. 18, 2014
Ryan 19.11.2014 03:02
I'd love to help in anyway I can, as I would with the Papal Restoration Campaign in general,but how?
Hi. We will email you privately about the former. In regards to the latter, prayers (the Rosary/Divine Office) & alms are most beneficial to hasten the Triumph of the Papacy.
Papal Restoration Staff Member 19.11.2014 01:40
We just received info from a correspondent pertaining to a "Facebooker" (name withheld) posing to be a True Catholic. Thank you! May God reward you for your zeal!
Lukasz Alexander Howaniak 18.11.2014 08:15
Did the Inquisition not also deal with any crime against marriage, including adultery?
Papal Restoration Staff Member 18.11.2014 12:39
Yes, adultery was (is) included. This is a short list of examples. On this list above it would fall under the Crimes against morality under "(...) immorality".