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"As to the Inquisition, my will is that it be enforced by the Inquisitors as of old, and as is required by all law, human and divine. This lies very near my heart, and I require you to carry out my orders. Let all prisoners be put to death, and suffer them no longer to escape through the neglect, weakness, and bad faith of the judges. If any are too timid to execute the edicts, I will replace them by men who have more heart and zeal."
-King Philip II of Spain, excerpt from letter on Inquisition, October 1565 A.D.
Nov. 18, 2014
Papal Restoration Staff Member 18.11.2014 14:31
St. Augustine, cited by St. Thomas, characterizes sin against faith in these words: Hoc est peccatum quo tenentur cuncta peccata. "This is the sin which comprehends all other sins." It is impossible for this CRIME against God not to be avenged.
Lily 18.11.2014 12:49
It seems we need to think more strictly regarding the Truth. We are a generation of softies with the most violent movies but mush in our justice systems