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1967 Italian film footage of suffering pontiff Gregory XVII, ("Siri") making a MANDATORY (by his captor's will) public appearance. NOTE: The holy Catholic mystic Marie-Julie Jahenny, who related many aspects of the Hostage Pope's hidden papacy, had it revealed to her the means by which the Enemy would achieve its stealthy incarceration (sede impediti) of Christ's Vicar: "Arms recently invented will be taken up; day and night they will encamp around his prison." (March 13, 1878) And on August 10, 1880: "If the prisoner martyr (Pope) directs a call (for help), it will be forbidden, under pain of torture and death, for any kingdom to rush in response to his call."
Nov. 25, 2014
Orson 01.12.2014 09:34
He is already a martyr before undergoing martyrdom... he is offering his own person and the blood of his veins... How many exiles to be suffered! -Marie Julie J
Prophecy of A.C. Emmerich: "I fear the Holy Father will suffer many tribulations before his death, for I see the black counterfeit church gaining ground... The distress of the Holy Father... is really so great that one ought to pray to God day and night."
Maria 28.11.2014 14:13
If only @ the time we knew what was really going on.. There would have been so much more prayer for him, n now so many have been deceived. God bless PGXVII+III
Maria 27.11.2014 16:17
This Pope suffered greatly. He did not speak up because part of the blackmail was that clerics in Russia would be killed if he did.
Papal Restoration Staff Member 27.11.2014 17:38
For the record when the opportune time occurred for him to speak (in June 1988) ... unfortunately the Enemy "caught wind", and within a year he was killed.
Orson 25.11.2014 19:21
Poor Holy Father! This is a clip of few seconds. How he must have gone through his life since 26 October 1958 until his death. All this shouldn't have occurred!