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Image of the Protestant convert to the New Montinian church of Darkness, Mr. Richard Williamson. He was never validly ordained a priest. This wicked layman was born into Schism and is determined to die that way.
Contempt of Faith
Non-Priest, Non-Bishop Richard Williamson is, as we type, publicly committing a damning mortal sin live on camera. And on the Holy Feast of St. Joseph!
He is attempting [an impossibility] to consecrate a Catholic bishop without a Papal Mandate, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. (Of course the fact that Francis is an antipope,
does not minimize Williamson's satanic crime against God's Divine law one iota!)
Note: What follows below is the IMMUTABLE Roman Catholic Faith's teaching on why the "Traditionalist" Movement is "One Big 'Act' Of Schism", adhered to by morons who despise the Faith:
In 1944, Rev. Alan McCoy O.F.M.., J.C.L. wrote a dissertation, "Force and Fear in Relation to Delictual Imputability and Penal Responsibility," (Catholic University of America.) Under the general heading of "Delictual Acts Interdicted by Divine Authority," he writes: "When an act is intrinsically evil, or involves contempt of the faith or of ecclesiastical authority, or works to THE DETRIMENT OF SOULS... imputability is not taken away in such cases since in these instances the observance of the law still urges under the pain of sin, even though the most severe personal hardship or danger, or also the greatest private harm might come from such observance. and the reason for this is that some spiritual good, either of God or of the Church or of individual souls is involved... There is consequently always grave guilt (a mortal sin) in the deliberate transgression of such a law."
Violations of Divine Law
As Rev. William Conway also notes in his "Problems in Canon Law," grave inconvenience which excuses from the observance of a law applies only to ecclesiastical laws: McCoy speaks here of violations of Divine law. And McCoy duly notes that not even the gravest personal hardship or greatest private harm excuses from observing the law. In the violation of the Divine law, positive or natural, only grave fear externally manifested to witnesses would excuse from incurring the censure [excommuniation] attached to the violation of such laws, (1937 decision by the Pontifical commission for the Authentic Interpretation of the Code). While it applies to delictual acts that are intrinsically evil, it does not excuse from those acts which, "involve contempt of the Faith or work to the public harm of souls." (Ibid).
"He who enters not by the door into the sheepfold, but
climbs up another way, is a thief and a robber" (John 10:1.).
On page 92 McCoy discusses what the Code considers to be acts involving contempt of the faith. He identifies the titles in the Code containing these acts a XI and XII of the fifth book, concerning "Delicts against the Faith and Unity of the Church and Delicts against Religion." These include heresy, apostasy, and schism: communication in scared rites with heretics: usurpation of priestly functions and sacrilege ... .
Acts that Work to the Detriment of Souls
On page 97, under the heading "Acts that Work to the Detriment of Souls," McCoy writes: These are all acts which draw people away from the faith or from the practice of Christian morals and thus expose them to the danger of eternal damnation... Those acts which, by their nature, work to the detriment of souls are listed particularly in Titles XVI and XVII of the fifth book of the Code...bearing the headings: 'Offenses Committed in the Administration or Reception of Orders or Other Sacraments' and Offenses Against the Obligations Proper to the Clerical and Religious State.'" among the offenses McCoy lists that work to the detriment of souls are: "... the administration of Sacraments to those who are forbidden to receive them... the consecration of a bishop without a papal mandate... the reception of Orders from unworthy prelates... the negligence of a pastor in the care of souls."
These are the Church's ideas of what constitutes contempt of faith and a true detriment to souls. Many of the offenses listed here have been committed by those calling themselves "Traditional" bishops and priests who believe that they are serving the common good and furthering eternal salvation !! by "ministering to the 'faithful'".
"It is obvious that no thought is being taken of the spiritual
good of the faithful if the Church's laws are being violated."
(Pope Pius XII, Encyclical, Ad Apostolorum Principis, June 29, 1958)
Relevant Links:
(Contains historical record [writings] of Talleyrand regarding his sacramental intention)
The validity of the Sacrament of Orders for those claiming to be Catholic bishops or priests requiresthe minimal standard of moral certitude. Marcel Lefebvre and his progeny (like Richard Williamson) fail to meet the minimal standard of moral certitude and therefore cannot, in practice, be accepted as Catholic bishops.
St. Joseph, Terror of Demons, Ora Pro Nobis!
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Mar. 19, 2015