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"Mary is the wonder of wonders, and nothing in the universe, God excepted, is more glorious than MARY -- whose spotless purity and her sinlessness were first proclaimed by God in Paradise [Gen. 3:15]. God saying to the serpent: "She shall crush thy head." Had Mary been brought under the dominion of the devil by sin, she could NOT possibly have been his conqueror.
We know that no one who builds a house for his own use, would first put his greatest enemy in possession of it; much less would the Holy Ghost, whose Temple Mary was to be, allow the evil one to make her his own. The Council of Trent too affirms her prerogative. Mary has been so highly honored through out the universal Church because God exalted her above all men and angels."
Extracted from, "The Catechism Explained", complied by Father Spirago, 1927
May. 27, 2015
TCW wishes all its readers a Happy Feast of the Annunciation. Read more here:
Papal Restoration Staff Member 09.12.2015 05:34
TCW wishes all its readers a Happy Feast of the Immaculate Conception!
Bernadette B. 27.05.2015 19:00
Sweet Heart of Mary, be our Salvation!