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The following is an excerpt from a rare late 1940's film on the story of Our Lady of Fatima and her message for world peace. It includes some re-enactments of events in the life of Sr. Lucy. And also features original footage of the seer's families, the village, the Sanctuary of Fatima, etc.
Jan. 17, 2017
Frederic 19.06.2021 11:18
Notre Dame de Fatima,priez pour nous !
Teresa E. Hamilton 13.01.2021 06:50
Thank you for making these ageless messages available still!! It is so important to continue to be reminded and renewed by these messages from Our Lady!!
EDITOR OF TCW 26.10.2020 19:59
"Ah! if our Blessed Lady be for us, who can be against us?" -Fr. Titus Joslin
PRC Staff Member 27.06.2020 02:31
"People must say the Rosary. Let them continue saying it every day... " -Our Lady of Fatima
Rick Bancroft 18.01.2019 13:55
This is such an important video on the Fatima message. When Our Lady warned many nations will be destroyed, is that related to a 3rd World War or the 3 Days of Darkness? Can there still be a true lasting world peace now without a Chastisement?
Editor of TCW 11.11.2019 06:31
Nations being destroyed seems to be related to the 3 Days of Darkness, from the research I have done. There are multiple prophecies saying an unprecedented Chastisement is imminent. Can it be mitigated? Yes, by living the message of Fatima.
“Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us .” —300 days' indulgence each time (Pope Pius XI).
Anthony 18.01.2017 11:34
Beautiful video TCW, I really needed to see this, thank you for posting.
Bernadette 18.01.2017 09:07
My heart is moved to tears; look at all those faithful. Sweet Heart of Mary, may Thy triumph hasten!
john nicolas 17.01.2017 22:49
This is amazing, thank you for posting this