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"Jerusalem must not get into the hands of the Jews. ... I know, it is not pleasant to see the Turks in possession of our Holy Places. We simply have to put up with that. But to support the Jews in the acquisition of the Holy Places, that we cannot do."
Words of Pope St. Pius X (01/25/1904) to the Jew Theodor Herzl, who had an audience with Pius X in the Vatican to seek his support for the Zionist effort to establish a Jewish state in Palestine. See:
Dec. 10, 2017
Dick Myers 06.04.2018 13:55
Is the Neocon Nikki Haley Jewish?
EDITOR OF TCW 06.04.2018 18:57
She was born Nimrata Randhawa, from parents who came from Punjab, India, who practice pagan Sikhism. She (falsely) identifies herself today as a Christian, and attends both Sikh and Methodist (Gnostic) worship services. She is an outspoken Zionist.
EDITOR OF TCW 06.04.2018 12:28
FYI: keep a watch on a very dangerous Jewess Ultra-Zionist politician in "Israel", named Ayelet Shaked. She currently serves as the "Israeli" Minister of "Justice". (Lol)
EDITOR OF TCW 10.04.2018 21:06
Regarding the warhawk neocon John Bolton, (Trump's recent appointee as National Security Advisor), Ayelet Shaked tweeted: “President Trump continues to appoint true friends of Israel to senior positions. John Bolton is one of the most outstanding.”
Lucy 07.01.2018 12:45
Perhaps the French Catholic Monarch will come in 2018 and end this disaster.
EDITOR OF TCW 04.01.2018 13:13
Deo gratias that the coming Great Catholic Monarch will retake Jerusalem for Holy Mother Church! See video of the perennial Enemies of the Cross dancing at a wedding with “I love Trump”, “Trump 2020” T-shirts at:
Editor of TCW 11.12.2017 04:47
FYI the embarrassing Breitbart News Network proudly boasts on its website it was conceived In "Israel".
EDITOR OF TCW 11.12.2017 04:56
"...Breitbart News Network really got its start in Jerusalem. ... One thing we specifically discussed that night (in "Israel") was our desire to start a site that would be unapologetically... pro-Israel." -Larry Solov, President of Breitbart News
EDITOR OF TCW 11.12.2017 03:28
Don't forget... The coming Great Catholic Monarch will regain Jerusalem/the Holy Lands for the Church: "He [Great Monarch] shall reign over the House of Agar, and shall possess Jerusalem." (Prophecy of St. Isidore of Seville, 7th c.)
EDITOR OF TCW 11.12.2017 03:30
More encouraging prophecy on the soon to come Great Catholic Monarch: "He [Great Monarch] shall destroy the Jewish and Mohammedan sects." -St. Bridget of Sweden, 14th c.