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True Catholic News
"That Siri... was elected pope is an undeniable fact for those who know what happened. ... The future of the papacy: the Church hierarchy is extremely gloomy."
(Fr. Malachi Martin, September 17, 1996)
Excerpt from Fr. Malachi Martin interview on 09/17/1996 in New York, NY - as published by L’Eglise Eclipsée, by Les Amis de Christ-Roi, Editions Delacroix, 1997 Paris. Note: Fr. Martin (d. 1999) was a very controversial figure, who had access to secrets of the Vatican - and was in there, or connected to it, when the freemasonic takeover burst forth publicly on October 28th, 1958, and onward. -ED
Dec. 13, 2017
"[Roncalli...] was initiated [into the Lodge] by Vincent Auriol. Yes... Montini was a member of the Lodge... ." -Fr. Malachi Martin (Interview 09/17/1996 in NY, NY)
Part 1 from PRC Staff Member 17.12.2017 21:02
When the masonic infiltrator Roncalli was "Papal Nuncio" in Paris he would visit the Grand Lodge of that city in civilian clothes every Thursday evening as *testified by several members of the French police appointed to guard him. (cont.)
PART 2 FROM PRC STAFF MEMBER 17.12.2017 21:03
*(This information can be substantiated by Commandant Rouchette, the retired French police at B.P. 151, 18105 Cognac Cedex.)
Fern 17.12.2017 20:15
Do you mean October 28,1958 or should it be October 26,1958?
EDITOR OF TCW 17.12.2017 20:49
On Oct 28, 1958 the "freemasonic takeover burst forth PUBLICLY" as that is when the masonic agent, Antipope Roncalli, stepped out on the balcony of St. Peter's, lying, that "The Church has no enemies". (Of course he was Enemy #1!)