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"Italy, my daughter, will be humiliated, purified in blood, and must suffer much, because many are the sins of this beloved country, SEAT OF THE VICAR OF CHRIST. You cannot imagine what will happen! In those sad days there will be much anguish and weeping. THERE WILL BE A GREAT REVOLUTION ... " (In Rome/Vatican at the 1958 Conclave)
"The Pope (Gregory XVII) will SUFFER much, and all this suffering will be like an agony, which will shorten his earthly pilgrimage. His SUCCESSOR (Gregory XVIII) will GUIDE the boat in the TEMPEST."
"However the PUNISHMENT of the impious will not be delayed. That day will be most fearful in the world! (The 3 Days of Darkness) The EARTH will tremble, all humanity will be shaken! The wicked and the obstinate WILL PERISH in the tremendous severity of the justice of the Lord."
Prophetic words given on Dec 8, 1956 by the Blessed Virgin Mary to the pious Italian nun, Sr. Elena Aiello, on the: (1) Judeo-Masonic criminal usurpation (revolution) at the 1958 Conclave in Rome, (2) Suffering Holy Father Gregory XVII, (3) His Successor Gregory XVIII, who is guiding the Church now in His exile - during this, The Apostasy, (4) Fate of the multitudes of Anti-Catholic pagans, which includes the Vatican II Sectarians & the Pseudo "Traditionalists" Sectarians, who will perish in the upcoming Three Days of Darkness Chastisement.
Jul. 26, 2018
Papal Restoration Staff Member 26.07.2018 14:43
"Before all that arrives, great disorders will arrive, in the Church, and everywhere. Then, after [that], our Holy Father the Pope (Gregory XVII) will be persecuted. His successor will be a pontiff that nobody expects (Gregory XVIII)." -Maximin/La Salette
"Where Peter is, there is the Church." Our Lady of La Salette said: “The Church will be in eclipse, the world will be in dismay." Our Blessed Lord promised to St. Peter and His PERPETUAL Successors, "the gates of hell shall not prevail...".