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Dear Editor of TCW,
How does a layman baptize in cases of emergency, what are the words and formula?
Reply from Editor
Dear Jason,
Hi. Baptism is conferred by having the proper intention (of doing what the Catholic Church wants), and by pouring water on the head of the one to be baptized, while pronouncing at the same time the words:
"(Person's Name) I BAPTIZE THEE IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER (pour water the first time), AND OF THE SON (pour water the second time), AND OF THE HOLY GHOST (pour water the third time). "
To knowingly attempt to baptize a 100% validly baptized person is a mortal sin. If a person was doubtfully baptized, then they must be conditionally baptized. The Catholic Church's formula for Conditional Baptism is:
"If thou art not baptized, I BAPTIZE THEE (Person's Name) IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER (pour water the first time), AND OF THE SON (pour water the second time), AND OF THE HOLY GHOST (pour water the third time)."
Blessed be St. Peter, Prince of the Apostles!
Mar. 30, 2019