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True Catholic News
On How to Discern a Good Catholic Journal
Fr. Felix Salvany
(1844 -1916 A.D.)
"The truly Catholic press is altogether Catholic, that is to say, it defends Catholic doctrine in all its principles and applications, it opposes all false teaching known as such always and entirely, opposita per diametrum, as St. Ignatius says in that golden book of his exercises. It places itself on the frontier arrayed with unceasing vigilance against error, always face to face with the enemy. It never bivouacs with the hostile forces, as the compromising press loves to do. Its opposition is definite and determined, it is not simply opposed to certain undeniable maneuvers of the foe, letting others escape its vigilance, but watches, guards, and resists at every point. It presents an unbroken front to evil everywhere... ."
-Fr. Felix Salvany, (On
how to discern good Catholic Journals from bad ones)
From his Classic : "Liberalism is a Sin", Chapter 29, Page 152, Imprimatur 1899
Sep. 27, 2019