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"No tongue can express, no mind can understand, how dreadful is purgatory.
Its pain is like that of hell; and yet (as I have said) I see any soul with the least stain
of imperfection accept it as a mercy... ." -St. Catherine of Genoa, "Treatise on Purgatory", p. 23
Related Link:
"Purgatory" by Fr. François Schouppe (Imp. 1893)
Nov. 2, 2019
EDITOR OF TCW 18.03.2020 02:06
Thank you to all the readers of TCW who have prayed for my father who passed away last month. And have prayed for myself & family. Your emails have been greatly appreciated.
Editor of TCW 14.02.2020 03:18
Please prayer for my father who died this afternoon. He was a very selfless & generous man, who always had time for his children.
Papal Restoration Staff Member 05.11.2019 13:22
“It is therefore a holy and a wholesome thought to pray for the dead, that they may be loosed from their sins.”
(II Machabees, xii. 46)