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"The Holy Souls Will Repay us a Thousand Times Over"
Now who can be in more urgent need of our charity than the souls in Purgatory? What hunger, thirst, or dire sufferings on Earth can compare to their dreadful torments? Neither the poor, nor the sick, nor the suffering, we see around us, have any such urgent need of our succor. Yet we find many good-hearted people who interest themselves in every type of suffering, but, alas! Scarcely one who works for the Holy Souls.
Who can have more claim on us? Among them too, there may be our mothers and fathers, our friends and our near of kin.
When they are finally released from their pains and enjoy the beatitude of Heaven, far from forgetting their friends on earth, their gratitude knows no bounds. Prostrate before the Throne of God they never cease to pray for those who helped them. By their prayers they shield their friends from dangers and protect them from the evils that threaten them.
They will never cease these prayers until they see their benefactors in Heaven and will be forever their dearest, sincerest and best friends.
If Catholics only knew what powerful protectors they secure by helping the Holy Souls they would not be so remiss in praying for them.
Another great grace that the Holy Souls obtain for their helpers is a short and easy Purgatory, or possibly it’s complete remission!
The Poor Souls Rely On Our Prayers!
William Freyssen got the order to print a little work on Purgatory. Correcting the proofs, his attention was caught by the facts narrated in this book. He learned for the first time what wonders the Holy Souls can work for their friends.
Just at that time, his son fell gravely ill and soon the case became desperate. Remembering what he had read about the power of the Holy Souls, Freysson at once promised to spread at his own expense, a hundred copies of the book which his firm was printing. To make the promise more solemn, he went to church, and there made his vow. At once, a sense of peace and confidence filled his soul. On his return home, the boy, who had been unable to swallow a drop of water, asked for food. The next day he was out of danger and soon completely cured.
At once, Freysson ordered the books on Purgatory to be distributed. He felt sure that was the best way to obtain help for the suffering souls was to interest a hundred people in them. No one who knows what the Poor Souls suffer can refuse to pray for them.
Time passed and a new sorrow fell to the share of the printer. This time his dear wife was stricken down and despite every care grew daily worse. She lost the use of her mind and was almost completely paralyzed, so that the doctor gave up all hope.
The husband remembering what the Holy Souls had done for his son, again ran to the church and promised to distribute 200 of the books on Purgatory, begging in exchange the urgent help of the Holy Souls. Wonderful to relate the mental aberration ceased, his wife’s mind became normal, she recovered the use of her limbs, and of her tongue. In a short time she was perfectly restored to health.
Extracted from "Purgatory Explained". Imprimatur. Herbert Cardinal Vaughn, Archiep. Westmonstarien Oct. 11, 1893 A.D.
Related Link:
Sr. Lucy on the Importance of Wearing the Brown Scapular
(From August 15, 1950)
Ecclesiastical Approbation
In Today's Catholic World ( carries the approbation in writing of the Holy See in exile. It faithfully adheres to the rules for Catholic Journals mandated by Leo XIII in the
Apostolic Constitution Officiorum ac Munerum, January 25, 1897 - so heavily re-stressed by Pius X in Pascendi Dominici Gregis, September 8, 1907.
Nov. 9, 2019