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True Catholic News
It was through an artillery-opened breach in the Aurelian Wall, west of the Porta Pia gate - (infamously)
as the "Porta Pia Breach" - that on Sept 20, 1870, the satanic inspired Judeo-Masonic Bersaglieri
soldiers, entered (and captured) Rome, completing the sacrilegious
robbery of the Holy Father's domains.
"First admit, dear friend, that we are witnessing a strange spectacle. What is happening before our eyes? Two forces, enemies, are at war: the Revolution and Catholicism."
[Msgr. Gaume then warns] "... the fall of the temporal throne of St. Peter is, in the social order, the uncertainty of
all rights, the shaking of all thrones, and the signal of a general debacle. In the religious order, it is for the Church the entry into the most difficult phase of her existence,
perhaps the return to Catacombs." -Monsignor Gaume, "La Situation", Lettre VII, 1860 A.D.
Related Links:
"Christ And Antichrist - A Sermon At The Mass Of Requiem For Those Who Fell In Defence Of Rome",
By Cardinal Henry Edward Manning, 1867 A.D.
How to Preserve us from (TOTAL) Catastrophe -Mgr. Henri Delassus, 1899 A.D.
Blessed be St. Peter. Prince of the Apostles!
The Papal Restoration Staff
Ecclesiastical Approbation
In Today's Catholic World ( carries the approbation in writing of the Holy See in exile. It faithfully
adheres to the rules for Catholic Journals mandated by Leo XIII in the Apostolic Constitution Officiorum ac Munerum, January 25, 1897 - so heavily re-stressed by Pius X in Pascendi Dominici Gregis, September 8, 1907.
Apr. 18, 2019
Editor of TCW 23.02.2021 12:07
"... it is for the Church the entry into the most difficult phase of her existence, perhaps the return to Catacombs." -Monsignor Gaume, "La Situation"
PRC Staff Member 03.07.2020 14:11
(Catechism Of Perseverance, p. 171, Msgr. Gaume):
Q. What is faith?
A. Faith is a supernatural gift whereby we believe firmly all that God has revealed to his church, because he is truth itself.
PRC STAFF MEMBER 03.07.2020 14:15
Read more from Msgr. Gaume's "Catechism Of Perseverance" at:
Msgr. Gaume was a Doctor of Theology at the University of Prague, honorary vicar-general of several dioceses, and received from Pius IX in 1854 the title of Prothonotary Apostolic. See link to his well-known "Catechism of Perseverance":