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Saint Leonard of Port Maurice was a most holy Franciscan friar who lived at the monastery of Saint Bonaventure in Rome. He was one of the greatest missioners in the history of the Church. He used to preach to thousands in the open square of every city and town where the churches could not hold his listeners. So brilliant and holy was his eloquence that once when he gave a two weeks' mission in Rome, the Pope and College of Cardinals came to hear him.
One of Saint Leonard of Port Maurice's most famous sermons was "The Little Number of Those Who Are Saved." ... In it he reviews the various states of life... and concludes with the little number of those who are saved, in relation to the totality of men.
The reader who meditates on this remarkable text will grasp the soundness of its argumentation, which has earned it the approbation of the Church. Here is the great missionary's vibrant and moving sermon:
Click to Read St. Leonard of Port Maurice's "The Little Number of Those Who Are Saved."
Nov. 5, 2019
KC 09.12.2021 16:16
Would like information on how to be in communion with the true Catholic Church.
The TCW Staff 10.12.2021 06:20
Hi. See TCW's "How to be in Valid Communion with the True Papacy" at:
Least 15.01.2020 11:38
A must read sermon for every Catholic.
servant 26.11.2019 20:16
Salvation is not to be presumed as heretics do. St. Paul says: "Wherefore, my dearly beloved, with FEAR and TREMBLING work out your salvation" (Phil ii. 12)