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"Mary immaculate, most brilliant star of purity, I rejoice
with thee, because thy immaculate conception has bestowed upon the angels in paradise the greatest joy.
I thank and bless the ever-blessed Trinity, who enriched
thee with this high privilege. O let me, too, one day enter into this heavenly joy, in the company of angels, that I may praise and bless thee, world without end."
(Extracted from: "The New Raccolta: Or, Collection Of Prayers And Good
Works, To Which The Sovereign Pontiffs Have Attached Holy Indulgences",
Five Novenas In Honor Of Most Holy Mary, Page 247, Imprimatur 1903 A.D.)
Dec. 8, 2020
The TCW Staff 08.12.2021 22:14
Read Pius IX's Infallible Dogmatic Proclamation, on the Immaculate Conception of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, at: