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With the outbreak of the Franco-Prussian War, Napoleon III withdrew his French garrison from Rome. With this garrison gone, the masonic Italian National Army was able to take the Papal State of Rome on September 20th, 1870, resulting in Pius IX becoming a "Prisoner of the Vatican" for the next eight years, until his death in 1878. Both Leo XIII and Pius X remained as "prisoners of the Vatican". So too did the next pontiff, Benedict XV, who was elected in 1914. Pius XI [elected in 1922] remained most careful in his travels, even after signing the Lateran Treaty on February 11, 1929 with Mussolini's Italy. NOTE: TCW conducted research at the US National Archives and then posted an Exclusive article showing that Pius XI actually, stealthily, had left Vatican City boundaries to say Mass on Dec 20, 1929 [4 years prior to British Pathe News publishing this newsreel story in 1933]. See TCW's: "Declassified US State Department Document (on) Papal Security" at:
May. 21, 2021