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"Suddenly Our Lady appeared above the clouds with a sword of fire in her right hand..."
The Blessed Virgin was first venerated under the title of Our Lady of Defense in the Cathedral of Ozieri, located in Sassari, Italy. The devotion would eventually spread throughout the world.
The title of Nostra Signora della Difesa [Our Lady of Defense] arose from the following incident on January 19, 1412 A.D. During a harsh winter, an army of the Goths, coming from the north, installed themselves menacingly in the Ampezzano Basin, in Italy. The region's inhabitants soon began to gather to organize a defense. But, they were poor, had no weapons, or a trained army capable of defeating such a powerful enemy. Therefore, they began to gather to pray, asking Our Lady for help. The Catholic populace fervently united in prayer - imploring and waiting for help from heaven.
Our Lady Defends
When the Goth army attacked, the people intensified their prayers. Suddenly Our Lady appeared above the clouds with a sword of fire in her right hand and was holding the infant Jesus in her left arm. She then descended on the spot where the assumed massacre of the Italians was to take place. At that moment, thick clouds caused enormous darkness, so that the Goths could see nothing. Stunned and confused, they began to fight against themselves, until eventually they destroyed each other! The Italian people there, moved and grateful - from that moment on, started to call the Virgin Mary "Our Lady of Defense".
Note: There are several shrines world-wide dedicated to Our Lady of Defense, in which stored in them, are thousands of reports of miracles and graces achieved through Her powerful intersession/defense.
"Our Lady of Defense, Protect Us!"
Jun. 4, 2021