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Work of Zeal and Reparation
As a Private Devotion.
(Extracted from the book with this same title published in 1894, Nihil Obstat, Imprimatur.)
Let us help our Holy Father the Pope and all the Nations
of the Earth by means of the Divine Hands of our Saviour.
Litanies in honour of the Divine Hands of our Lord.
(Approved by Cardinal Donnet, Archbishop of Bordeaux, in 1865, and Cardinal Deschamps, Archbishop of Malines.)
Recite these Litanies with a contrite heart, deeply grieved at the sorrows of our Mother the Church.
Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, have mercy on us, and pardon our many sins. (3 times).
Divine Hands, deign to humble the enemies of the Church, and of our Holy Father the Pope. (3 times).
Sacred Heart of Mary Immaculate and Mother of Grace, implore the Divine Hands of our Lord to humble the enemies of the Church and of our Holy Father the Pope. (3 times).
Saint Joseph, Spouse of our Blessed Lady, ask the Divine Hands of Our Saviour to humble the enemies of our Holy Father the Pope. (3 times).
Response: Pray that the Divine Hands of our Saviour may humble the enemies of the Holy Father.
Saint Joachim, Father of the Blessed Virgin,
Saint Anne, Mother of the Blessed Virgin,
Saint Michael the Archangel,
Saint Gabriel,
Saint Raphael,
Ye four Great Angels, who in union with Saint Michael, Saint Gabriel, and Saint Raphael, surround the throne of the Most High,
Holy Seraphim,
Holy Cherubim,
Holy Thrones,
Holy Dominations,
Holy Virtues,
Holy Powers,
Holy Principalities,
Holy Archangels,
Holy Angels,
John the Baptist,
Saint Peter, (3 times with the response)
Saint Paul,
Saint John, beloved Disciple,
Holy Apostles,
Saint Augustine,
Saint Francis of Sales,
Saint Dominic,
Saint Francis of Assissi,
Saint Anthony of Padua,
Saint Peter of Alcantara,
Saint Ignatius Loyola,
Saint Francis
Saint J. Francis Regis,
Saint Vincent of Paul,
St. Theresa, (3 times with the response)
All ye Saints of God, ask the Holy Hands to humble the enemies of the Holy Father.
℣. Let
Thy Hand be upon the man of Thy right Hand:
℟. And upon the son of man whom Thou hast confirmed for Thyself.
Almighty God! We most humbly beseech Thee to deliver us from the workers of iniquity, whilst we place all our confidence in the Divine Hands of our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy beloved Son, who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, one God, world without end. Amen.
[N.B. — The above Litanies may be said for any other intentions. It is sufficient to change the intention for which they have been offered.]
("The Divine Hands of our Saviour, Work of Zeal and Reparation,
As a Private Devotion", 1894 A.D., Nihil Obstat, Imprimatur.)
Click Here to learn more about this apropos Catholic private devotion & The Eight Promises granted for those devoted to the Divine Hands of our Saviour.
"Way of Salvation" (detail)
by Da Firenze 1365-68 A.D.
"Our enemies have on this been under no misapprehensions. From the outset, and with
the greatest clearness of
vision, they determined on their objective; first to separate you
from Us and the Chair of Peter, and then to sow disorder among you." -Pope
St. Pius X
See: The Supreme Crisis
"To adhere to a false Bishop of Rome (a false "pope") is to be out of
communion with the Church." -St. Cyprian, Church Father & Doctor
See: Latest Antipope Mr. Bergoglio Condemned by Spain's Toledo Councils
"We declare, say, define and proclaim to every human creature that
they by necessity for salvation are entirely subject
to the Roman Pontiff."
-Pope Boniface VIII, Unam Sanctam Nov. 18, 1302 ex cathedra (Infallible)
See: "How to be in Valid Communion with the True Papacy"
Pray that the Divine Hands of our Saviour may humble the enemies of the Holy Father
Jun. 7, 2021
The TCW Staff 12.04.2022 02:17
'Pray that the Divine Hands of our Saviour may humble the enemies of the Holy Father." (From: "Litanies in honour of the Divine Hands of our Lord", Imp. 1865)
John Nicolas 10.06.2021 18:51
Thank you for making us aware of this beautiful devotion, especially needed today
THE EDITOR OF TCW 08.06.2021 17:13
St. Cyprian fought and defeated the first Antipope, Novation. There have been at least 38 antipopes in the history of the Church. This works out to about two per century. (cont.)
THE EDITOR OF TCW 08.06.2021 17:14
... During the "reigns" of each antipope, there was also a valid and True Pope. In point of fact, in order for there to be an antipope, there must be a True Pope.
The Editor of TCW 07.06.2021 19:03
Many thanks to a longtime reader of TCW, who located & forwarded this important devotion to The Divine Hands of Our Saviour, to us last month. And also much gratitude to the owner of, for publishing its Church Approved content.