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Illustration from the famous Book of Hours of the French monarch, John, Duke of Berry ["Très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry"] c. 1414, for the Mass/Feast of St. Michael the Archangel: Mont Saint-Michel. The page depicts a battle between St. Michael and the devil above Mont Saint-Michel in France, at low tide. [Note: the holy sanctuary, Mont Saint-Michel, is to be a meeting place after "The 3 Days of Darkness" for True Catholics. The famous and easily recognizable island abbey, is just across the border of Brittany, in Normandy. It is stated, in the prophecies of Marie-Julie Jahenny, that Mont Saint-Michel will survive the 3 Days of Darkness Chastisement, and serve as a fortress for True Catholics. (Those under obedience to the Apostolic Succession of Gregory XVII.)]
Jun. 13, 2021