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True Catholic News
ROME (Oct. 9, 2021) — Two slimy "partners in crime", Jorge Bergoglio (A.K.A. Antipope Francis) and Nancy Pelosi, brazenly met up at the usurped Vatican today, to strategize on furthering their anti-Catholic, worldwide Socialist agenda of hell.
Note: a mere two weeks ago, the U.S. House of Representatives, led by a woman... the reprobate Pelosi, *"passed" the most radical pro-abortion legislation ever introduced.
Passing the Women’s Health Protection Act is a “very exciting day,” said the pervert Pelosi, on September 23. “We’ve long been supporters of Roe v. Wade. We haven’t been able to codify it because we never had a Democratic pro‑choice Majority with a Democratic President, and now we do, and now we do.”
*"The State has no power to make laws that are opposed to nature... any human command that is contrary to
nature and therefore to reason is not law, but the corruption of law." Source: "Moral Theology", by S.T.M. Very Rev. Charles J. Callan, O.P. and S.T.M. Very Rev. John A. McHugh, Imp., May 24, 1958
"We place all Our hope in the God of Our salvation, who is Our helper and strength
in all Our tribulations. He does
not permit those who trust in Him to be confounded,
He who thwarts the attacks of the impious and breaks the necks of sinners."
-His Holiness, Venerable Pope Pius IX
Related Links:
Pope Saint Pius X Against Woman in Politics (NY Times Article, 04-21-1909)
Oct. 9, 2021