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Video (Part 1): Christopher Cole, the FDA's executive officer for its medical countermeasures initiative, was captured on camera discussing Covid vaccines, and his belief that the government would continue relying on them as a recurring source of income. Cole was secretly recorded by a Project Veritas undercover employee posing as his date during a series of dinner meetings. In late January, Cole was recorded saying: 'You're going to have to get an annual shot. It hasn't been formally announced yet because they don't want to rile everyone up.' ***NOTE: SEE PART 2 AT: [There's one bad type word in it.]***
Feb. 16, 2022
THE TCW STAFF 30.06.2022 03:04
"US agrees to pay $3.2B for more Pfizer vaccines": Under the deal, the U.S. government will get 105 million doses and have the option to purchase more. The doses would be for a fall booster drive. (The Wall Street Journal)
The TCW Staff 14.03.2022 17:56
"A 4th dose of Covid-19 vaccine will be needed, Pfizer's CEO says" (CNN)
The TCW Staff 20.02.2022 01:16
"A fourth Covid-19 shot might be recommended this fall, as officials 'continually' look at emerging data" (CNN - 02/19/2022)