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Time Magazine Cover, July 10, 2006: "The Power of Russia's Oil: Vladimir Putin takes a seat at the world's top table. Will Russia behave now that it's back?" (Note: The Biden 'Green New Deal" Administration, absolutely refuses to fully utilize it's own VAST fossil fuel resources, to aid its own hurting citizens - or help its traditional European (oil lacking) allies. What deadly folly! -TCW)
Feb. 27, 2022
The TCW Staff 01.04.2022 00:55
"Biden will release up to 180 million barrels of oil from reserves, hoping to drive gas prices down." (NY Times).
The TCW Staff 11.03.2022 05:13
"Canada Says Its Oil Could Replace U.S. Imports Of Russian Crude": All It Would Take Is Approval Of The Keystone XL Pipeline (Source:
TCW READER 10.03.2022 13:03
Hi. Why doesn't the US use its own oil?
Caleb 10.03.2022 15:38
Not to mention the fact that they claim to care about unemployment while actively hindering creation of new blue collar jobs..
THE TCW STAFF 10.03.2022 15:28
Because the illogical climate radicals in the Dem party don't want US lands drilled, but have no problem with say going south of Florida, to Socialist Venezuela, to get the Petro goods - as they shout that GLOBAL warming is Enemy #1.
THE TCW STAFF 08.03.2022 14:03
"U.S. expected to announce ban on Russian oil" (NBC News)
The TCW Staff 05.03.2022 03:01
"US oil prices surge to highest level in 14 years as Ukraine-Russia conflict continues to unfold": The latest gains leave crude nearly 26% more expensive than just before Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. (CNN)