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True Catholic News
September is the Month the Church
Dedicates to the Seven Sorrows of Our Lady
Click Here to view this Month's Calendar
St. Gabriel 1838-1862 A.D.
St. Gabriel of The Sorrowful Mother, said he was never denied any
petition that he confided to the Mater Dolorosa (Mother of Sorrows)
Mater Dolorosa Ora Pro Nobis!
Related Links:
Devotion to the Mother Most Desolate
(The Desolation of Mary, was a mysterious continuation of her sorrows, and the
Mother most sorrowful is also the Mother most Desolate)
St. Gemma Galgani: Miraculously Cured by St. Gabriel of the Sorrows
"become a saint at all costs... one lives only once" -St. Gemma Galgani
Sep. 1, 2022