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"St. George Fighting the Dragon" by Raphael, c. 1503
Source: "Questions And Answers on Salvation" by Fr. Michael Müller, 1875 A.D.
Q. Why have several Popes solemnly excommunicated all Freemasonry?
A. All Freemasons have been solemnly excommunicated by several Popes on account of the main object and spirit of Freemasonry, to establish heathenism or the Church of Satan all over the world:
1. By upsetting governments to obtain for themselves the power of governing and making impious laws for their subjects;
2. By trying to overthrow the Catholic Church, which teaches and maintains the rights and laws of God and civil society;
3. By spreading immoral and impious principles through the infidel press and other satanic means;
4. By establishing public schools for the infidel education of youth.
Q. Is this main object and spirit known to all Freemasons?
A. This satanic object and spirit is known only to the members of the highest grades of Freemasonry. But it is sufficiently known to all from the works and speeches of Freemasons, and therefore every member, even of the lowest grade, is guilty of the foul deeds of this satanic society.
Dec 6, 2024